Neville Goddard Life Is For Acting ||EP 262

Life really is for acting. Time to act! “God only acts and is in existing beings or men” (Blake). God is not some passive spectator observing the great passage of life. He is the supreme actor. Now, to play a part an actor must to some extent feel the part and imagine himself as the character he is depicting. 

Now God became man that man might become God. He is not pretending that he’s you, he became you. He so feels that he is you that there is no separation. He is you. That’s God. Therefore, we conclude that life is for action. How do we act? If I tell you that an assumption, a mere assumption—which is God’s way of creating—though at the moment that you’ve assumed it, reason denies it, your senses deny it, if you persist in it, it will harden into fact. If you demand from me proof before you dare to assume, you will never come to action. 

To act I really must assume, and the assumption is the act of faith; and without faith it is impossible to please him, as told us in the unknown author’s letter to the Hebrews. Without faith it is impossible to please him, and faith is simply this bold assumption. I dare to assume that I am the one that I would like to be. If I would dare to assume, then I have proven to my own satisfaction that I have made the great act of faith. 

Now we are told in Ephesians, Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, “Be imitators of God as beloved children”…if this is how God creates (Eph.5:1). He became me and made me alive. And then becoming me, now he plays all the parts that I would ever play—the rich man, the poor man, the beggar man, the thief—whatever I dare to assume that I am. If I judge from appearances and then from appearances I accept what it suggests and then play its part, well then, he’ll play the part. He plays every part in the world; there’s nothing but God. 

Now we are told in scripture, “Commune with your own heart and be silent”—the 4th chapter, the 4th verse of Psalms, commune with your own heart. Well, the word heart, the word mind, and the word self is really the same in scripture. So commune with your own self, for the self is God. Now you commune with self, dissect every little action of the mind, dissect it. If you do, you will find the very fount of the primal truth. And who is the truth? “I AM the truth.” “I AM the way.” What way?—commune with self. If I dare to commune with myself and dissect every little action of the mind as I commune with self, I will find the fount of truth. 

And finding it, I find myself…and I am he. Now we are told, he comes to us through the gate of dream. Yes, God comes through the gate of dream and he builds in our mortal thought immortal dreams to haunt us. He paints the entire picture within us through the gate of dream; that we can’t let go, we must find this that was painted on the inside as it were. But he comes through the gate of dream.

Music By Mettaverse

A Still Mind 432hz using a restless mind

Journey through the mulitverse

Healing Tranquility 111hz

first source awaken the energetic heart 222hz

432 Hz Healing Music to Help You Focus, Relax and Fall Into Alignment With the Harmony of Creation

111hz healing music the field of oneness

111hz return to source

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