Justified States
April 3, 1972
Neville Goddard
Tonight, we will take both the Law and the Promise. Just a little while on the Promise, that you may not be concerned. For I do know that so many people tell us that we must do this, that, and the other, or else. Well, you forget it. God planned everything as it has come out and as it will be consummated. It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. You do not earn it; it’s not your due; it’s not a reward. It’s simply a gift, unmerited. And therefore, you cannot lose it.
This gift is irrevocable.
So, no man can take it from you; no man can give it to you. So let no one frighten you. It is yours and it’s coming on time. And the gift is nothing less than God Himself. When He gives you the Kingdom, He gives you Himself. For the Kingdom is not a realm. The Kingdom is a character. It’s a body. And that body is perfect. And wherever you are, clothed in that body, everything around you is perfect.
Music By Mettaverse
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