Neville Goddard Imaginal Acts Become Facts || EP 194

You don’t have to raise one finger to make it so. You plant the seed. What do you do after you plant the seed? You leave it. You don’t dig it up every morning to see if it has a root, you leave it. A seed must fall into the ground and die before it is made alive. And if it dies, it bears much fruit and so you put it into the seed into the ground of your own wonderful human imagination.

Now bear in mind the vision has it’s own appointed hour. It ripens. It will flower. If it be long, wait for it is sure and it will not be late. Not for that seed. One seed may take24 hours. Another may take like a hens egg, 21 days. A little lamb takes 5 months, a horse takes a year, human beings 9 months. So each seed has its own appointed hour. So don’t be concerned.

You did the work, all you need do is simply leave it alone and don’t raise one finger to make it so and don’t discuss it with anyone else or with the one who asked it of you. If they keep on bothering you in saying about when, don’t answer them.

You planted it, you did what they asked you to do and that’s all that you can do. If they are anxious about it, then let them bring about their own mental miscarriage. What do you do after pregnancy, there’s no such thing as a little pregnancy. Pregnancy and then in the fullness of time the child is born. So in the fullness of time what you did in your imagination will be born.

So leave it alone.

Every imaginal act grows into a fact.

#lawofattraction #realitycreation #manifestation #acting #creating #imagination #loatechniques #nevillegoddard #realitytransurfing #creativity

The music is mind blowing. Over 6 tracks by Mettaverse were used for this video.

-Sea of Samsara Karmic clearing 174HZ
-“solstice” revitalizing ambient music return to the light
– Into the Omniverse, 963hz Pineal activation meditation
– Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz
– First Source Awaken the Energetic Heart 111hz and subsuquent octaves for 10 minutes
-528HZ DNA integrity and 787HZ (Universal Remedy)

-777hz Deep Relaxation

Music by Mettaverse

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