Manly P Hall – How To Attract Money And Use It Wisely

In this fascinating lecture the great occultist writer Manly P Hall explores money and how to attract it. While the focus on money may be a little bit of a misnomer, all Manly P Hall lectures open up new worlds and secret information that you may find quite useful.

Over his 70-year career Hall gave thousands of lectures and published over 150 volumes, of which the best known is The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928). In 1934 he founded the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles.

“This morning, we are going to become involved in an extremely difficult and sticky situation and that is the general subject of money. I don’t know of any way to approach this philosophically, in a more interesting manner than to go back to Egypt, in ancient times. We’re not sure that the monetary system originated in Egypt, but it was certainly functioning there two or 3000 BC and because the Egyptians were rather wise and interesting people, their opinions on this subject while symbolical, I think are worthy of consideration.” – Manly P Hall

Ignore the title, this has the usual esoteric and deep level analaysis you will find in most manly p hall lectures.