This amazing book finally captures what fourth density new earth is like. You have read nothing like this.
Is there really such a thing as heaven, where God has “prepared a place for us”? Or does life for us begin and end on planet Earth?
Are all those orbs in the seemingly infinite universe just there for us to admire as we gaze up into the night sky?
Or is there life on those other worlds?When we die our body remains behind on this planet, but where does the real us—soul, spirit, consciousness—go?
Can something so vital one minute disappear into nothingness the next? Some say that we cannot know, that nobody has ever come back to tell us. But is this true?
Many believe that angelic beings as well as “the dead” can transmit information to us telepathically via gifted human receivers, and many accounts brought through from “the other side” indicatet hat the universe is teeming with life
Life in the World Unseen is a supposed true to life channeled book. The one who had died, communicated his travels in the higher and lower spirit realms to a psychic or mediamistic friend who still lived in mortal form. This book may give a look into what awaits us all on passing into the hereafter. A very interesting read.
The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth
Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule
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Music By Mettaverse
Effortless awareness
Love becomes us
Regenerative spiritual reset
Healing tranquility
Field of oneness
Deep relaxation 777hz
Awaken the energetic heart
A new beginning
The light holders
Light quotient
Journey through the multiverse
Inner worlds
Into the omniverse
The language of light
Travel light
Golden lotus
852hz crown chakra
A still mind
741hz throat chakra
Calm focus
Muted Rain – amaranth cove
suspended belief – amaranth cove
out of step – amaranth cove
for a moment – amaranth cove
infinite sustain amaranth cove
when we were friends – amaranth cove
appeased soundscape 11 – august willhelmsson
solar flare – Christopher Moe DItelvsen
Antidote x – Van Sandano
In dreams – hushed
balance – amaranth cove
stay near – luwaks
a place to hide – cerulean skies
final departure – curved mirror
feeling the weight – jon bjork
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Intro 00:00
Introduction From The Compiler 04:48
Foreword 06:06
Preface 08:31
1. My Earth Life 11:11
2. Passing to Spirit Life 18:20
3. First Experiences 43:34
4. Home of Rest 1:18:11
5. Halls of Learning 1:46:22
6. Some Questions Answered 2:14:20
7. Music 2:38:34
8. Plans For Future Work 3:01:44
9. The Dark Realms 3:28:04
10. A Visitations 3:55:30
11. The Flowers 4:29:16
12. The Soul 4:29:40
13. Building Methods 4:47:40
14. Time And Space 5:04:03
15. Geographical Position 5:16:59
16. The Lowest Realms 5:32:36
17. Some First Impressions 5:48:53
18. Recreations 6:02:55
19. Spirit Personalia 6:15:24
20. The Children’s Sphere 6:30:39
21. Occupations 6:50:10
22. Famous People 7:09:47
23. Organization 7:24:32
24. Spirit Influence 7:41:26
25. The Highest Realms 7:54:54
Discussion 8:25:46