A New Thought Classic From The Original Founder of Nautilus Magazine
In every human being there is a great potential which is seldom awakened. This book shows you the secret in a nutshell. The nerves are tubes for the conveyance of life to all parts of the body. Contract the Solar Plexus and you withdraw life from the body. You diminish the outflow which often results in a chronic state of nervous collapse.
Now in Just How to Wake the Solar Plexus, Elizabeth Towne, the original founder of Nautilus Magazine teaches you how to wake up the part of your life powers that will help you live a happier, healthier, more balance life.
We all have the ability to have a measure of control over our physical and mental well being through attitude and concentration. This book will show you how to improve your state of mind and thus your entire life.
There is positively no limit to the amount of life this solar center in the individual is able to generate, and no limit to the rapidity with which it may be generated.
I AM THE SUN OF GOD – Do you desire above all things to live a serene, useful, successful life? Do you want to get out of the petty limitations of conventionality? Out of pain and sin and sickness? Away from the small hurts of every-day living? Do you really want to get away from them?
Inner Sun or Solar Plexus – The Solar Plexus is the point where life is born— where the Uncreate becomes Create; the unorganized becomes organized; the unconscious becomes conscious….
THE LORD OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE – Make up your mind to keep your light shining, your solar center expanded, no matter what happens or how you “feel.”
JUST WHY AND JUST HOW – The Solar Plexus, or sun center, is to the human body precisely what the visible sun is to the solar system. It is the source of all life and light; it is the manufacturer of life and light.
Breathing Exercises – This exercise properly persisted in will completely cure functional and even organic heart disease, as well as all diseases of lungs and throat. In fact, there is no disease of the human frame which cannot be cured in this way, if the practice is kept up daily or oftener for a long enough period.
BREATHING TECHNIQUE – This is the best concentration exercise I know of. It is the only INFALLIBLE remedy I know for discouragement, unrest, lack of interest, impatience, anger, malice, revenge, resentment, and the hanging on habit. And I believe.…
FAITH – Learn how to wake up the part of your life powers that will help you live a happier, healthier, more balance life. We all have the ability to have a measure of control over our physical and mental well being through attitude and concentration. This book will show you how to improve your state of mind and thus your entire life.
Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule
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BUY MY BOOK! https://www.amazon.com/Reality-Revolution-Mind-Blowing-Movement-Hack/dp/154450618X/
Music By Mettaverse
light holders
dream flow
light catchers
rhythm and flow
still point
light catchers
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