I wish I could explain easily how you can relax and slow your brain waves to go to the subjective dimension. I wish I could put in a nutshell all of the ways you can use the subjective dimension to benefit yourself and your work.
I wish I could explain concisely how the subjective dimension is not limited by time and space and how you can function creatively in that dimension in ways that defy objective dimension laws.
I believe that my many decades of research and experience in this field will enable me to do this.
I believe that the assistance of my writing associate, Dr. Robert B. Stone, who has had scores of self-help books published, will enable me to get this done. I believe that the skills of the publisher’s staff will assure success in this goal. I expect that success. I expect a useful guide for managers. I expect it to be used widely by business managers and executives.
These have been my desires, beliefs, and expectations. I have gone to the subjective dimensions repeatedly to visualize the project. The normal process of creation has taken place. The book is in your hands. I am continuing the process. I visualize you putting the book down, relaxing to go to the subjective dimension in order to experience and learn the Silva Method, and using it to make this a better world to live in. We learn about the objective physical world in school, objectively.
But we do not learn about the subjective dimension at school. The only way we can learn about it is subjectively. In school or college, we cannot close our eyes, turn off the physical realm and go to the imaginative or subjective dimension.
When we tried that in elementary school, we got our knuckles rapped; in high school, we had to do an extra assignment; in college, we got labeled.
You can now go to the imaginative, subjective dimension without fear of reprisal. Instead, go to that level with the expectation of reward. – Jose Silva and Robert B Stone
The Silva Mind Control Method for Business Managers . Dennis Stone. Kindle Edition. Get it here https://www.amazon.com/Silva-Control-Method-Business-Managers-ebook/dp/B08JH1BPPG/
You can get a kindle copy of his book here
Here is the kindle link to this wonderful book Life Without Limits, it has so much more than this episode https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J4274P5/
Stone was author and co-author of over 80 published books, most notably on self-help and powers of the mind. His most best-selling book was “Martinis & Whipped Cream” (1966) with coauthor, hypnotist Sidney Petrie. That book was significant in the history of dieting.
Dr. Stone was an internationally known lecturer on the human potential. He taught for many years at the University of Hawaii on activating the powers of the mind. A MENSA member and graduate of MIT, Dr. Stone was elected to the New York Academy of Science. A Silva Method lecturer for 20 years and Ambassador-at-Large, he introduced the Silva Method to five nations and was honored with many Silva awards.
You can also learn more about Dr. Stone at www.robertbstone.com.
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