Interview with Pola Vahler

Pola Vahler has a wonderful youtube channel where she goes deep on topics of meditation, reality transurfing and the law of attraction. I was very interested to interview her. I found several of her videos very helpful on my own path to understanding reality transurfing. Originally from Russia, Pola has had the opportunity to read several of Vadim Zeland’s non translated books. I talked about several topics related to reality transurfing and the law of attraction. It was a very informative interview. I learned a lot and I hope you do too.

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Speaker 2: (00:07)
Welcome to the reality revolution. I’m your host, Brian Scott, and this is dedicated to all those spirits out there who believe life is meant to be magical and fun year. We’ve ventured to share the very mysteries of self in reality like purpose is to help light that spark inside of you to reawaken your sense of fascination and are towards the world. I’m going to try to help you hack reality and unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth, health, and relationships in your life. Welcome to the reality revolution. Today I have Paula Volgler. It’s Paulina or Paula. It’s Paula. Paula and Paula has a wonderful youtube channel. I really recommend that anybody who has a chance is interesting in particular in the law of Attraction and reality, Trans Surfing. She’s got wonderful videos. I’ve learned a lot from all of her videos. She goes deep. She’s actually read a lot of the other Zealand books that haven’t been translated yet. She has some pretty deep and interesting information. I’ve learned a lot, so I was so excited that she agreed to talk with me today. So how are you doing today?

Speaker 3: (01:17)
I’ve been very good Brian. Thank you. How are you?

Speaker 2: (01:20)
Thank you so much for joining me. So just a to give a, a people that maybe have not have heard of your channel or you just give her body a little bit of a background about where you’re coming from and a little bit about what, what your channel is about.

Speaker 3: (01:35)
Sure. Well I was born in Russia as many of your main over them. One is actually Russian, so this is why I came across a lot of these books that were not translated yet. And my background was pretty scientific. So first I started physics, you know, and all the way after that I kind of transitioned more into spirituality and um, a lot of my videos do color elder transmission. But recently I was talking more about awareness and presence and more of the kind of Buddhist philosophies. So this is kind of the direction that I’m going. Okay. Because I feel like my new relative [inaudible] you’re too diverse and law of attraction, you’re tubers, they focus a lot on the future, right on sent on the outcomes and that’s all good. But I think awareness and presence and being concerned with what is right now is also equally important.

Speaker 2: (02:30)
It’s true. Once you start to get into the this material, there’s a certain awakening that you have and, and you, it doesn’t have to, you don’t have to completely embrace all of it. There’s truths in it. But yeah, I’m sure you’re finding your own spiritual truths as you go along and apply this material. Um, when, when you’re, what is it like in Russia? What is the it, we’ve talked about Trans Surfing here and some, it’s kind of, for some people it’s a word they haven’t heard of and some people it’s complicated, but I’ve always wondered what it’s like in Russia where, uh, I’ve heard that it’s much more popular than here. And, and so what is it like there? Do you have an impression of how it’s being received there?

Speaker 3: (03:08)
Um, yeah, I think it’s beginning to get to more, a lot more popular in the United States or in the West right now. But the books published, they’re not new books, you know, they have been published decades ago, so it was very popular. And I think the way that the west has went is it kind of started with the secret and to our attraction and now you’re kind of go into the uncertain various in Russia, I don’t know a lot about, you know, law of attraction. It wasn’t that popular. I think it kind of started with rail transport and called there. And right now I don’t really live in Russia, so you know how it goes there. But he has quite a large following a, there are translation centers I think in San Francisco where people gather and they actually practice all those principles. So just by the goal developed, and there are a lot of books, a lot of, I think you know really the kind of all the same, but the way to books, he just kind of answers, answers the questions that people have and some of them miss sections that people might have, whatever thing really can be summarized in maybe one book.

Speaker 2: (04:18)
Right. So when you first got access to this information, w w was there something, was there an event or something that happened that said, wow, this is very powerful. I really want to study this and learn more about this. Did you have something in particular that happened or was it an ongoing process?

Speaker 3: (04:36)
Mm, I would say something particular happened is just when I started reading the book, it just made sense to me, you know, the first book made sense. I think a lot of it is you kind of hollered to know that you can’t put it into words. So it uh, reminded me a lot of the Buddhist concepts as well because I was studying Buddhism at the university kind of academically and there are a lot of parallels and all similarities between the two. So, you know, I listened to as to an audiobook as well and the audiobook in Russian is very well made, you know, I don’t know how it is Nemish but the Russian version is very professional. It’s very, it’s very nice to hear. It’s very pleasant to hear. So I was just listening to that kind of starting my morning with that and this is how I learned. And, um, I would say that something particular happened is just, it picked my interest, you know, almost right away. And I decided I wanted to research it and to understand it.

Speaker 2: (05:33)
So since you’ve acquired this knowledge, how has it changed your morning routine? Do you have a specific morning routine that you’ve been integrated with this and then the other knowledge that you’ve gained?

Speaker 3: (05:44)
Uh, yeah, my morning routine has changed a bit. Uh, when I first began at some point I actually started my morning with listening to the audio book and it truly set the day differently. I noticed that the day went a different way. It [inaudible] and now listen to me, I came to the United States and my morning routine has changed quite a bit. Usually I wake up, I don’t really start the day right away, you know, I don’t really get up right away. I just kind of waiver and contemplate the morning. I listen to the birds. We have a lot of words here and I just kind of take us where we are now. And then I propel my coffee. I know some people in kind of personal development, spiritual development, they don’t, they don’t drink coffee, but I still do. Oh, I still do it. Yeah. So I drink black coffee. Why do I do that right now? Actually I don’t tuition to reality transfer anymore. What I do instead is I listened to the time I talks, you know, the, the Buddhist pause that and have enough this Buddhist centers I land on with Andrew. Do I kind of start the day? Okay. Yup.

Speaker 2: (06:52)
What I noticed when I, when I watch your videos is clearly you read this material and you really let it soak in. There’s a lot as this expands, there’s a lot of misunderstandings about reality trend surfing. And I kind of wanted to talk with this you because a lot of your videos will kind of clear out some of the misunderstandings and um, they’re very frank and uh, and I, and I like that. So what, what do you think the biggest misunderstandings and misapplications of Reality Trans Surfing that you see as you’ve understood it on, on Youtube and when people discuss this stuff?

Speaker 3: (07:29)
Um, well I think a couple, first of all, many people don’t come from a place of acceptance because they come to me with certain questions that they want something. And I can just see that they really don’t love themselves, you know, as they are, they don’t accept themselves as they are and they don’t understand that. And so before you even said any kind of goals or you start walking in any direction, you have to have this acceptance of what is right now. Totally. You know, so this is the first one. And the one I think is many people, you know, they, they try to manifest, they try to have a certain goal, but they don’t really make any steps towards that. Right. So I was talking to someone who was trying to become an actor, you know, and they will visualize themselves as an extra.

Speaker 3: (08:23)
And I asked them, do you take any active courses? I’ll try and to improve your craft. You know, I tried to become a bit of an actor. I would try to become someone who would actually be hired and they should know. And you know, they didn’t even consider that. And that’s so strange to me. You know, when you, if you wish to be an actor, you have to be someone who would be hired, would actually be at someone worthy of hiring. You know, and so you can’t try to manifest, you can have a goal, you can visualize, but you have to show up as well include the work. So this is very important. Yeah. And one of

Speaker 2: (08:56)
my favorite videos of yours is when, when you kind of go over this idea, it’s common in law of attraction literature of following your bliss and how that’s not entirely. If you just follow your bliss, you’re not going to achieve or manifest some of the things that we’d like to. And I’d like you to talk about that a little bit more cause I found it, uh, it’s, it’s very true. There are some steps that we have to take when we won, which heave our goals. And sometimes it’s not just following our bliss and in Zeeland even toxic you need, you got, if you want to get a degree, you’ve got to go through college and you got to take care of your, he, he mentions that a few times. W W I just wanted to get your impression on that.

Speaker 3: (09:35)
Oh yeah, I agree. Um, when you have a very large goal, for instance, this very far away, sometimes you will do a sense that are not that fun to you. I’m sure you have encountered this with your podcast probably until UNT fun is fun for you. You live that probably the assumption, some technical stuff that’s more recent, that’s fun, but you still have to do it if you want to see the final result, you know that people don’t understand that. So again, with the actor and with the artists that want to make it in the arts, yes, art is important. And creating your art is important. You also have to speak to people. You have to be able to sell this art. You have to be able to be understood. So there are a lot of things that are involved and stuff. It’s not only doing what you have, it’s doing what it takes. So, um, yeah, this is what I’m trying to do with the people that I’m working with. Right. I’m trying to explain this, but yeah.

Speaker 2: (10:30)
Right. And you’ve offered coaching on your, on your, um, on your youtube videos, you’ve done some coaching as well. Uh, and, and I’m sure that you, you encounter, when did you start to coach? This stuff’s some pretty interesting aspects. People come to it not really understanding it. Have you had some interesting stories as you begun to coach this?

Speaker 3: (10:49)
Ah, interesting stories. I’m not sure right now. I do coach several people. I have just recently started so I haven’t really had any clients that I have kind of stopped coaching, you know, that that kind of done with the program still ongoing. So as of right now to have that many stores, but I do see that people don’t really want to do what they told, you know? Right. Yeah it’s interesting. I told them also what about discipline? You know, in my programs I try to get people to understand this discipline and I think many of the kinds of new age ideas, like what would traction draw out to transporting. They don’t involve a lot of that. But if you look at the original wisdom traditions, swipe orders, they did talk a lot about self discipline, discipline in your mind and the right things doing ever since that you have. So yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 2: (11:42)
Right? No, no. Do you, do you meditate every day or can you do this without meditating?

Speaker 3: (11:48)
I do meditate every day in the morning, usually before I start work. Uh, I usually do meditate sometimes also in the evening, but not everyday. And you know, meditation is a great tool. I emphasize it a lot with everyone. The simplest meditation is you don’t see instant results, but your mind is always changing. Your brain is with true a change in one term. And from what I understand, it takes about 20 minutes, 20 to 30 minutes for it to start changing. Now this doesn’t mean that if you meditate for 10 minutes, then it’s worthless. You know, when two or 30 is when it kind of maximizes. And two, one term is where it’s filed.

Speaker 2: (12:30)
For me for my meditation of journey, it was a understanding the difference between a guided meditation that I listened to and that no, not listening to anything and trying to grasp and understand stillness and silence and I was wondering if you had had a similar journey because meditation is, is is complicated and it’s also simple, but a lot of people go through a process and they learn about meditation, they start listening to meditations and really they’re probably not getting what an actual med patient is. Especially because you’re talking about Buddhism. There’s a real power to meditating with with no sound in and finding the stillness and I wanted to get your impressions of that.

Speaker 3: (13:13)
Yes. I think if someone has never meditated and they are kind of all over the place, they can truly focus. Starting with a goddess mutation is a good idea to just get into the space. But honest, I don’t believe that guided meditation can kind of do the trick. I think that everyone has to come to this kind of silent meditation when it’s just you. I think it is called Shamatha Meditation in Buddhism where you’re just observe your breath, you breathe in, you breathe out, you observe your thoughts. There are no kind of guides. There is nothing, no Agnes and not the good idea if you have never meditated is to start with a mantra. Just pick any kind of mantra and focus on that because for some people it is easier to focus on the mantra than on the breath. I have noticed that and there is really nothing magical about the mantra.

Speaker 3: (14:00)
I don’t think so about two words but it just gives you something to focus on. You know, also recently I had started something called zen meditation and it’s very interesting and I’m very new to this, but I don’t want to say that he was kind of next level, but it is different from you know, Sharma topic of Sean Matteis about stealing the mind and coming to the state of presence. And from what I understand that we strive now’s then it’s not really about still the mind, it’s about observing your self as you are all you’re feeling emotions and zen meditation is even done with eyes open, which is very interesting.

Speaker 2: (14:42)
Oh, very interesting. So I don’t know how the best way w one of my videos of yours, and I even mentioned this in my book, you, you tried, you taught offer this advanced technique for intention that is incredibly powerful and I wanted to know how long you were able to pull it off. It’s essentially every action that you take, you visualize that particular action before you do it. And then as you do this, you start to see your, your, your intention to become more powerful, your visualizations become more powerful. And I’ve tried this and it’s easy just to, you know, you can go for 20, 30 minutes doing this and that’s a long time. And I wanted to get your impressions of trying this technique w because I think Zealand talks about it in one of his books. I’ve even read about it in some, some other material, but once you started applying this, it’s powerful but it’s difficult. And I wanted to get your impressions and how you were able to do it.

Speaker 3: (15:39)
Ah, yes, it is quite different. I think you wrote about this in a tough Jay. This is where it’s coming from. If you’re right, it is difficult to do it for more than 20 minutes or 30 years. Start getting distracted, you start forgetting about it. Um, I don’t think this is that necessary for, you know, for most people, for everyday people they will just benefit from, from meditation and from setting some goals and actually making some steps. Um, I can’t tell you that I can maintain that state for 24 hours, you know, seven days a week. Right. But when I do, it really is almost like a different reality. You, you see things different way. It’s interesting. It really is.

Speaker 2: (16:20)
It really is. It’s one of the most powerful techniques in your, your video on it was great and I loved that. And I, and I recommend anybody try that just right now after this interview. Just visualize something that you’re going to do as simple as making a tea before you do it and then go and do it. And when you get into this practice of visualizing and setting your intention, it’s very powerful. Um, and I love that. So I, one of your videos had me thinking about myself. You talked about focus and energy and how to gain more focus. As you can see, all my paintings on the background there, you mentioned that some people, they lose focus because they have too much stuff in too many things going on and you lose a little bit of your energy. Am I right? And so I wanted you to talk a little bit more about that.

Speaker 3: (17:06)
Yeah. Um, many people, well first of all, many people kind of hop from one goal to the next one and they may be five work, five different ones and they can’t go in any single direction. And um, I prefer I would, I think it’s more powerful to help one goal and to achieve that, you know, and then see what’s going to happen next when it comes to focus. We have so many distractions these days. It’s, it’s incredible. There is social media, which is a big one. There is entertainment, there are TV shows which are games. There are all those things that want to get your attention, your time, but actually your time is very valuable and you don’t have a lot of it. It’s very limited. So a wise choice would be to spend your time on the things that actually matter and bring you something, some value. And this was one of the reasons why I stopped posting as much on youtube. It was a bit overwhelming to me, you know, because I was trying to answer all the comments. And when you tried to do that, at some point it just gets too much, you know, so it kind of took a break. And, um, I do understand that I need to get back to youtube. I do want to do

Speaker 2: (18:15)
well, we miss you. We miss you

Speaker 3: (18:18)
to kind of that at least maybe once a week, because I know my last week, that was maybe last the last month. It’s been awhile. Right. So I’m still struggling myself to find this kind of balance, you know? But I do believe it can be done right. And yeah,

Speaker 2: (18:33)
no, no, no, no. That, that, that’s perfect. Thank you. Um, so I always ask these questions in my interviews and so I’ll, I’ll maybe change it a little bit, but what is, it gives everybody a little bit better understanding of you and it’s always a good information. What is your favorite book that you’ve read? We’ll start fiction. Do you have a favorite fiction book? Yeah.

Speaker 3: (18:58)
Yeah. I was thinking about this yesterday, actually. There are a lot of fiction books that I like. Uh, one of the most impressive ones for me were books by Dostoyevsky.

Speaker 2: (19:10)
Oh Wow. I love those tests. Very powerful and raw.

Speaker 3: (19:17)
Yeah, I remember very early on in my life and they are very philosophical and very, very good also like a brave new world and I do like a lot of Buddhist books, you know? Actually I feel like they come apart the end of the Buddhist to trust. I know it’s not true if fiction but,

Speaker 2: (19:34)
but yeah, that’s my question. I asked this question a lot and ends up coming to the same do you think or acquisition of fiction when we read or even watch movies now that we have this understanding of Trans Surfing, do we need to be more cautious about what we’re watching and reading because that’s still a part of our, we’re creating our realities and I wonder if there’s, I know he, he differentiates this dream world in a part of our brain does that. But since I’ve become more aware of Reality Trend Surfing, I’ve noticed that I’ve changed what I read and even if it’s fiction or even if it’s movies, because the, my awareness is much more powerful than I realized and I wanted to get your impression of that. If that had changed your interest in fiction or movies or anything like that.

Speaker 3: (20:22)
Yeah, there definitely is a lot of fiction out of movies that are kind of best described by the word trash and you don’t want to watch that. I mean, it doesn’t really bring you anything. It doesn’t bring anyone any kind of value. You know, when you watch something and you know you really shouldn’t be watching it, it’s a total waste of time. You don’t really enjoy watching it or reading it. Right. You want to have that view. It’s better to not watch that at all. Now when it comes something kind of negative or maybe a little bit dark because [inaudible] is quite dark. I think it would be a mistake to, to not treat that because it is dark. You know, many people in, in reality transurban kind of try to shelter themselves too much and avoid any kind of negativity, you know, but I think reading those books can be helpful for you to understand even the world and understand people. I mean, those books they with stood the test of time for a reason. They are great books and it’s not about shelter in yourself, it’s just about knowing where to direct your attention and what to attend, what to not to attend. You can see many, many dark things in the world still or maintain the state of not kind of falling into this total negativity and disparate trap. You know,

Speaker 2: (21:35)
that neutral. Finding your neutrality is important. I think we texted about this and one of the reasons that you had kind of gotten off social media, you wanted to kind of just step back a little bit and I wanted to get your idea of finding that neutral point where you’re not, you’re not going against something or you’re not supporting something and, and what kind of power you found in that.

Speaker 3: (21:59)
Yeah. And the trout warrants. That’s a good question. Um, again, I think it comes back to the balance, which I’ll admit I’m struggling a bit with, with the balance. Um, I don’t know. I feel like meditation does help a lot with finding that balance. And it’s also, again, having that self-disciplined and for instance, having a schedule and telling yourself, I’m going to do this once a week, I’m going to go to social media for maybe one hour everyday. But that’s it. When you have this written down, maybe having an alarm on your phone can also help without this. This, this definitely helps because with those things, they can get out of hand very quickly. You know, you may go on and tell yourself, I’m going to just watch one episode of this movie, but then you watch two and three because it’s very entertaining and then, you know, the whole evening is gone and they’re completely lost. So having a schedule, having alarms is definitely a good idea.

Speaker 2: (22:54)
So for people listening, what would you say a secret weapon to reduce the importance? Well, we talk about importance and how it can be devastating to what you’re trying to manifest or achieve. And in Buddhism we talk about detachment. Do you have any particular tricks, ideas, goals, techniques where we can reduce the importance or even become aware of how we’re placing importance on things?

Speaker 3: (23:20)
Yeah, I have one good idea, but I’m not sure that anyone would do that. And that is death. Contemplation, which is also a Buddhist concept. Um, I know it may sound a bit morbid and dark, but Buddhists, they do that. They contemplate their own existence. They contemplate death, but everything often nomina arise and fall. But wife is not, you know, it’s not something permanent or something that you can keep. When you do that, you put that into perspective. Everything just becomes less important. And you have this state of calm, just tranquility. You know, what was everyone talks about is the will to help you have this. We’ll have you to make those steps, but that you understand that it’s true or not that important. None of it is. And you just, there is a big difference between working towards your goal and having it on a pedestal and having it all you want.

Speaker 3: (24:16)
You know, your dream and having this, this goal, you know, but it’s not that important if you get it as good. If you don’t, there are other things in life, you know? So this kind of death contemplation does meditation will be very helpful for anyone that I think also, this is the one to talk to about having a plan B to your goals are, I know this is kind of a bit controversial because some people will say, no, you don’t have to have a plan B because if you have a plan B, then it kind of focus 50% of your attention on this plan a and you don’t give it your all and then you kind of fail, you know? So I don’t know, I think to each his own here, uh, what else can help with importance? Again, meditation can help a lot, right? It truly helps with ever saying, and the final thing is actually not thinking that much. If you have a goal, you call people overthink it, you know, they think they dream, they visualize, and then the more you think about it, the further away it seems. Right? So instead of thinking just make some steps everyday and when you are actually immersed in that, in making the steps, you stop thinking that much. And before you know which you reach this goal, you know it’s true or not that not that big of a deal.

Speaker 2: (25:36)
You decide guru has that as a, um, an option too. He talks about the death meditation and if you just take a moment to really consider how incredible it is just to be alive and, and death in general, it reduces the importance of everything. And I, it’s great that you mentioned that. Another one of my favorite videos of yours is when you talk, you’re talking to people that don’t have a goal. And this is this, I find a lot, hey, I, I love the fact that I can create my reality and I understand the secrets of the universe, but I have no idea what I want to do and then what my goal is. And you had a pretty good video. So for people out there listening that say, Hey, I’m interested in this, but I really don’t know what my goal is. What would you tell them or do you have any suggestions on finding that goal so that they can apply these principles?

Speaker 3: (26:24)
But yeah, I think this is a great question, really great question. It’s very individual for people that don’t have a call, well one idea is to look at their childhood and that their interest that they had back then and start there. Maybe something will resonate. Another thing, if they don’t find anything even there or if they have too many interests, they don’t know what to do at all. A good goal is to just take care of yourself, of your health, of your nutrition, even though your physical health start exercise and start meditating. This is a good goal to your own wellbeing. After you have taken care of yourself. It comes down to your family. You know, if you are well, maybe well off financially your health is good. You can start take care of your family or maybe your parents, your brothers, your sisters. If this is taken care of, you can look further to your community and maybe take up some volunteering projects.

Speaker 3: (27:22)
And again, this is not really talked about that much in transferring, but I have met a lot of people who didn’t know what to do, but they found an organization, they started volunteering and this became a goal. And maybe even in the future they actually got hired by the organization and helping other people and doing something for the community. Brought some happiness to them. And this could be a good ways to look at, but it always, it always begins with you, you know, take care of yourself first. Make sure that you are well physically, you know, financially that your mind is at the right place. Take care of that. This can be a goal in itself.

Speaker 2: (28:00)
Right. So you mentioned health and I wanted to one book, a lot of people may not have had a chance to read. I think it’s the uh, Trans Magenic or it’s the one where he, where he’s talking about eating raw food. And of course of after, you know, as I always do, after I read this, I go out to the grocery store and I buy a bunch of raw food. Shit’s hard. But I mean, how did you, have you tried to integrate any of this into your diet and what is your impression? I don’t necessarily think it’s a trans surfing thing. It’s a, it’s a volume Zealand thing that he has tried that has worked. And, and have you been able to integrate that into your, into your health routine?

Speaker 3: (28:37)
Yeah, there was a period where I did it grow Vegan food rifle for a certain time. Not, not too long, do you know? Not, not too long. Um,

Speaker 2: (28:48)
it’s kind of hard isn’t it? Yeah.

Speaker 3: (28:50)
Yeah. I don’t take it as necessary. Again, you should know transurban cause a good thing, but I don’t really subscribe to the kind of ideology sent to every single [inaudible] SAS. And just if you look at the science, um, Raul Vegan diet is not the best style. There are certain nutrients that we can’t observe from raw food, for instance, with carrots. I’m not sure what it is exactly, but are better off cooked, if I remember correctly that way. So it’s not that necessary. And right now my diet is kind of Regan, but I do include some meat as well at times, you know, so I don’t really think we’d have to be a soup like purists, you know, and avoid certain things. Of course it’s good to have a balanced diet, but um, you know, sometimes when you are, when diet is too pure and you wash your hands all the time and you wash everything 1000 times, your immune system actually gets weaker, right? Counts tolerate the viruses that can’t tolerate the environment anymore. So it’s actually worse. So we do need to have this kind of balance and yeah, I did go through the phase budge myself. No, I drink black coffee or you know, I thought of vegetables. Right. And this is a good place to start and I think we do need to reduce the sugar and the processed foods, but go and draw Vegan is not necessarily

Speaker 2: (30:15)
right. So yeah, let’s talk about that. You had a good point. Um, a lot of times when we have something like this, we might put buddy Zeeland on a pedestal and you know, he’s, he’s another writer. That’s writing about this stuff. And sometimes it’d be, it’d be everybody reads, it almost becomes a pendulum or almost a religion in itself. And that’s a mistake. And I don’t think he wants us to do that. Uh, what is your opinion on, you can see it in the Facebook groups and that it’s becoming more than just the books itself. It’s like it’s own pendulum. And of course not all pendulums are bad, but I wanted to get your impression on, on that because I don’t think that Buddings Zealand wants us to do that. He wants us to take this information and apply it to ourselves. Nobody knows everything and everything is different. Right. But I wanted to get your impression of that.

Speaker 3: (31:07)
Yeah, I think it is good. A good idea to read the books and to look for information, but ultimately truth is above west bar. I think this was [inaudible] said that, and it always comes back to you, to your, your own understanding of reality, to your own understanding of, of, of the truth. And this is why, again, I sound like a broken record, but I just encourage people to meditate that much. Because when you do it well enough, you will have those insights into your own mind, into the nature of reality. Do you understand that better? You will understand that intellectually, you know, you will understand that more on a, on a be in the Bible, you will just know that this is the way it is. And again, you know, with nutrition, I have met people who had serious health problems and they shield themselves on a Vegan Diet and there were other people who shoot themselves on a Paleo Diet, you know, so I mean it’s so different. We are, I don’t think that there is something that will work for everyone. You have to find it for yourself. Right? But then I think, you know, writing can be very helpful to understand yourself better. So I do write everyday journal and kind of work very for people

Speaker 2: (32:26)
very much. So it’s something I’m a big fan of. So is there any other, because you had the wonderful chance to read some of these other books that we haven’t read, is there one that you’re, that for us to read or has it has, is crazy or has different information cause I haven’t got to read all of these. Is there one that you’re, that’s, that you particularly liked that we really probably haven’t had access to yet? Because you did say that they’re all kind of the same, right? Even the newer one.

Speaker 3: (32:56)
Oh, I’m just, I’m not sure what books are translated and what books are not translated.

Speaker 2: (33:02)
I think right now it’s just two 50 in reality Surfing Rally Trend Surfing. There’s the only two that, that are translated into English. I’ve gotten some bad, I’ve got some badly translated copies. What’s essentially what somebody did is grabbed a copy of the in Russian and ran it through Google translate. So when you read it, it’s, it’s bad. But some projector separate reality. I kind of read through that. Um, but I’m aware that at the end of two 50 he’s mentioning like six books. Oh yeah. By the way, you should check these out. And I’m just, you know, desperately going, oh my gosh. Well, one thing I do love about him, he’s a great writer and so that’s why I was asking if there was something that we may not know from one of those other books. I saw that he, he mentioned the five Tibetans as a workout routine, little bits and information I found. But, um, I just wanted to know if there’s any that you had read that maybe we haven’t heard about yet, that that will be helpful in the future.

Speaker 3: (33:56)
Well, yeah, actually it’s surprising to me. I thought that a lot more were translated there. They’re not, well, there are certain books, I actually don’t know how they would be translated, the name of them, but there are certain books where it is about this whole, uh, system, you know, with the social media, with the entertainment industry, kind of the Matrix, I guess you could say. Those are the good books. But again, I’m not sure how, how they are called, you know, they’re still in the realm of transporting series and those are the good, good kinds of books to just put it all into perspective. But to be honest with you, I think the very first books are the most powerful ones. And I prefer the first read the from even more than, than top two.

Speaker 2: (34:39)
Okay. So yeah, let’s talk about a little bit about tufty. The um, I had not heard of the Plat. I’d heard of similar things in yoga, but the Plat or plate, I don’t know if the proper pronunciation who knows a, it isn’t a, and it’s the weirdest thing. I don’t know if it’s hypnotic. Once I started to put this into my meditation, I started feeling the Plat and you know, our brain is amazing. The kind of things they can do. Um, but the, but the implications of this, we have a phantom limb. It are at some time in the past. Do you think our souls were plugged in? I mean, a, the by deem is talking about the, the Matrix is, is the truth. And so we, we can talk about the plot, but I wanna back up a little bit and say, what does this mean that we had a phantom limb where we was at one point did we, where we plugged in? I mean, who knows? I don’t think that we know the exact response, but I wanted to get your impressions of this crazy truth of do you think about the plate and what it means?

Speaker 3: (35:40)
Yeah. Um, this is a good question. Tuition too. I was talking to someone and they asked me why is it called the plate? And I don’t know why the choir is called the print in English. You know, in the Russian version it would be translated as the parade, you know, pray that that women have in there.

Speaker 2: (35:57)
When I first heard that, I looked it up and I saw a picture of a braid. Okay. So yeah, it’s the Russian version is a braid is what you’re saying.

Speaker 3: (36:05)
It’s kind of the braids. I mean, yeah, that’s how it would be translated. So I’m not sure why they called it the plate. And I’m not sure what it means to be honest though. Phantom limb plugged in somewhere. I don’t know. And this is where, um, I kind of don’t agree entirely, you know, with, with ceiling, with the weight of trans certain because want it’s, it’s getting too, I don’t know, like too complicated the tube we really have to, to do this thing, you know, with the plate or with the braid. Right. To create, how real to, to be aware. That’s nice. I mean know this is why I said the first books are the ones that impressed me more. The staff t it’s kind of almost similar to route a transfer from give you look at it this way. It’s just explained in a more complicated way, in a way, you know?

Speaker 2: (36:57)
Right. So in the first two, but in the first book he’s talking about talking to the dreamer in the second one’s two 50. So essentially he’s saying he’s channeled. I mean, he even says that he’s channeling. Um, and I wanted to get your impressions outside of transferring what you, what you think about channeling. What is your, I mean obviously some people that we see are clearly faking it when you watch people channel and then some people you there they feel authentic and genuine. And I’m fascinated by in general, I think who knows, maybe through history, some of the books we read are actually written by some multidimensional, um, figure of some kind. So, you know, when we look at these, it’s amazing that these are channeled books. And what do you think about that?

Speaker 3: (37:42)
Yeah, I think the first books supposed in Russian were written from his perspective, from his previous to the rest of the issues, right? And them possibly the child, but the child she won. It’s actually written from a women’s perspective. You know, it’s this talk to the priestess who’s writing that. It’s her, it’s she. So this was very interesting and I don’t know about the audiobook in English, how it is made, but in Russian, the audiobook is narrated by, by a woman, you know, not by a man. Right. When it comes to China, it is quite interesting. I think some, for instance, are in this creative process. You lose yourself over corporate. And something comes through that you didn’t even know was there. So this is what shadow and is for me. Sometimes I feel this was when I am writing or when I was making the youtube videos.

Speaker 3: (38:33)
I felt that way as sometimes. So this is a creative process. Um, I don’t really watch a lot of channels to be honest with yourself. I don’t know. I do understand what you mean when you say that. Some of them are obviously fake. It’s, it’s just seeing you can see when someone is, is really being creative and honest and when someone is action, usually you can notice. Right. I think when he was writing something to get to come through, you know, something that he didn’t know was there because he mentioned that he was the writer before he was first he was a physicist. I think he started in physics and then he was, um, an eye in it. He was doing something with it. And at a certain point he mentioned that to reiterate at the telescope and that’s when something just came through. And He, and this was decades ago,

Speaker 2: (39:27)
if we had Zeeland on this call right now, and you had a question, what would be, what question would you ask him that you would want to know about?

Speaker 3: (39:37)
Mm, I would ask him. I think about his creative process, how she starts maybe his morning, his day, how he does that. How long does she, does you work, what does he do after he works? You know, things like that.

Speaker 2: (39:52)
Yeah, me too. I’m very interested to see his, he’s, he’s written a lot and, and some of his stuff is completely fascinating. As I mentioned with um, with sunny, a lot of this material, the reason it was so profound and it’s so popular, it feels like we already knew this, which is different than a lot of what we’re reading it. And as you said at the beginning, this is familiar and this stuff, and he’s translated it in maybe using different wording, but this is, this is deep knowledge. We already kind of already knew. We already know it from our lives and stuff, but it was just an that and that’s why it’s so interesting. It’s wonderful to get a chance to talk to you about this stuff. Uh, there’s so much more to it. I probably as soon as this phone call is done, I’m going to remember a question or two, but I think I speak for everybody.

Speaker 2: (40:39)
Keep the videos coming. I’m learning your online notification bell. Anybody watching this, please subscribe to our channel. She may not have videos in the last couple of weeks, but I’m sure she’ll have some in the future. And uh, it’s, it’s honest, it’s sincere. You cut through the chaff on your videos and I’ve learned a lot. You’ve clearly read all this information and, and so I just want to thank you for coming on the show. One more question I always ask and we kind of, it’s similar to what unrelated, but because I’m a big movie buff, is there a movie that, um, I probably haven’t seen that you would recommend that something out there that maybe I haven’t seen?

Speaker 3: (41:21)
Yeah. Um, well movies. I was talking to my friend yesterday about movies and for some reason I remember this movie called enter the void. I don’t know if got heard about it or not. It’s um, I guess [inaudible] and it’s a very strange movie. It describes a spirit over, you know, sister after he dies and there’s not much dialogue and there’s not much, you know, go [inaudible] or something conversation. But it’s been a visual and just very interesting. And that some movie that I like. Another movie that I love a lot, maybe you have seen this, maybe you haven’t, it’s a pink Floyd, the wall, which is also strange. More you have seen it.

Speaker 2: (42:03)
Of course. It’s classic. Of course. Yeah.

Speaker 3: (42:05)
I don’t know why I like it, but I watched it more than 10 times. It’s always inspiring to me. Oh yeah. So My, my movie prefer the movies that I do. Watch that. That’s a bit strange. You know. So

Speaker 2: (42:21)
I realize for this, this is a strange question, but I really appreciate you answering it and I think that you’ve given me a movie that I haven’t heard, which is very rare. Entered the void, enter the void. So I have that on my list. I appreciate that. Thank you so much guys. Subscribe to her channel. It’ll be in the links for this episode and look at it, her videos, if you can learn some, some interesting knowledge. Thank you so much for joining me. I learned a lot and let’s talk again in the future. Okay. Yeah. Thank you for inviting me. It was very fun. Yeah. Thank you. Have a good one.