Lawrence Watusi III is the creative director of Transurfing TV, host of the podcast Magickal Mumbles with the Law and has a fantastic youtube channel The Last Mystery School.
I was really interested in talking to Lawrence because he has a shared interested in 3 topics I am also really interested in that I believe converge – Reality Transurfing, NLP, and Magick.
We had a fascinating conversation and a lot of it blew my mind we talked about Transurfing, Meditation, NLP, Sigil Magick, Design Human Engineering, Psychedelics, morning routines and he recommended some great books and movies and wells. This may have been one of the most interesting interviews on the Reality Revolution. You will find it fascinating.
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Welcome to the reality revolution. I’m your host, Brian Scott, and this is dedicated to all those spirits out there who believe life is meant to be magical and fun. Here we’ve ventured to share the very mysteries of self in reality. My purpose is to help light that spark inside of you to reawaken your sense of fascination and awe towards the world. I’m going to try to help you hack reality and unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth, health, and relationships in your life. Welcome to the reality revolution today I got Lawrence with to see the third. If you have not heard of Lawrence. Lawrence has a youtube channel, the mystery, the last mystery school. He has it podcasts, magical mumbles. He is the Creative Director for Trans Surfing TV and I’m a huge fan. We are already had a full interview that didn’t get recorded. And so this might end up being even better because it, we talk, talked about everything from neurolinguistic programming to magic and we have a lot of very similar interests and I was super fascinated. So this is going to be probably even more fascinating. And so welcome Lawrence. How’s it going? Pretty good. Good to see you again. Yeah, so, so let’s just for the people that are watching the reality revolution night, a lot of people obviously are fans of Reality Trans Surfing. So I just wanted to get a little bit of your background of how you got into Trans Surfing and how it’s affected your life. Well, um, I had been working with a lot of the concepts that [inaudible] Zealand writes about in reality is Trans Surfing for a long time. Um, uh, I had different names for them, a lot of things I didn’t have names for and they were just kind of vague ideas and theories in my head. And I was on Amazon one day just looking for something to read and I saw a comment on some other book, I don’t remember the name of the book, but there was a comment and they mentioned Reality Trans Surfing and first of all the name reality. Trans Surfing was, it itself was enough to a treat me and something about what they said and maybe want to check it out. And when I checked it out, my mind was just blown because this guy had written out, oh oh model or a lot of the things that I had been thinking about. Um, I have like a couple of working models in my head. Um, and there’s other models like obviously the big obvious one is law of attraction that people talk about. Then compare reality train surfing too. And his model was really good because I like his perspective as it’s probably effected by his background as a physicist, but his perspective is really interesting and it was like he had a lot of vocabulary for things that I didn’t have words for before. So it was really, really cool to think about. Yeah, that’s the thing that I have found so unique about this is that it really captured a lot of concepts that I was vaguely aware of, but I had not put into words and I, that’s what I really like about it is it kind of encapsulates a lot of this that we can talk about some of this stuff. Another thing that you’re really interested in that, that we have a commonality is neuro linguistic programming and also you have an interest in magic with a, with a k not magic as in magic tricks, but magic with a k. And I really think that there is like emergence emerging point between all three of these that, that when work together that something greater can come out of it. First of all, neurolinguistic programming. If, uh, people have followed my podcast, they know that it’s something that I’m super fascinated is something I’ve studied quite a bit. And so I was really excited to hear that you had some background on this too and you’d applied it in your life. So tell me also a little bit about what, what you’ve learned through about neurolinguistic programming and how, how that has helped you as well. No, well that’s a big question. Well, the neural linguistic programming I think is a really awesome background, kind of glue to hold a lot of these things together. A lot of, uh, practices, techniques, theories, uh, paradigms, uh, especially practical paradigms because nearly once the program is the practical science, um, it’s, it’s a really good glue to hold things together and to really supercharge whatever practices you’re doing with a more scientific, experience-based neuro science base set of rules, uh, practices, presuppositions, um, and ideas and experiments that you can use to your advantage. Like there’s, there’s things that like the swish patterns that you can use the change. Like a lot of people, um, look at things in reality, train surfing, like importance. Let’s say there’s a lot of things already in nearly mystic programming that we already talk about all the time for, uh, what you would call reducing important. Okay. Absolutely. It’s almost like neuro-linguistic program gives us techniques and specific applications that can help us reduce importance. To disconnect from pendulums to, to change our mindset or in our attention, redirect our attention. Uh, I do think it’s a mistake a lot of people will get into one particular concept and think that’s the all end all. And the thing that I, I really liked about our last conversation is there’s great stuff from all of it and kind of when we’re assimilating all this stuff, I think something greater can come from it in many ways. I Think Reality Trans Surfing is kind of like a model that an NLP or would create for a master manifester. Somebody that was, hey, this guy over here is really good at creating and adjusting his own reality. What are the techniques he’s using? And that would be a model that an NLP or would have a, if that makes, does that make sense what I’m trying to say? Absolutely. That reminds me of something called, have you heard of DHE design, human engineering by row, by row, by Bandler, right? I Bet Lou. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Oh, very interesting. That’s, that’s a lot. What Reality Transfer Surfing reminds me of is DHE. And I really love the, because it takes, it’s a Meta process that takes all the process of NLP and puts it into a context. That’s to me really fun actually. Like you can, cause you can design whatever, you can design a lever in your head, you pull it and you’re more confident, you know, right. With where you can design a model like Reality Trans Surfing, and you can choose to Hugh, the universe in a certain paradigm and those sets of rules, as long as you act on them and acts as they’re true, the universe reality will respond. And likewise, you know, I hadn’t not associated with that, but you’re absolutely right when that book comes to mind, design, human engineering is really a perfect example. It’s coming at it from a different angle. It’s giving you a particular ways to, to change your thought processes. I’ve used it, uh, to, to re, you know, to change and reduce things that have happened in my past, almost re-edit things in memories that I’ve had in the past and relationships and that kind of thing. So super fascinating. Now, the third thing that, that we have, we had talked about that super fascinating, uh, is magic. And the reason I’m fascinated by people, practitioners of magic going back thousands of years have been studying the same things of reality, Trans Surfing and even NLP because they’re studying attention, ways to maximize visualization, ways to maximize energy. All of these things are the same. When people hear the word magic with theK , they think, oh no, that’s evil or shady or weird or something’s wrong. It’s not, these are, they’re very similar. So tell me a little bit of your perspective on magic and in this relationship of our conversation. You know, sometimes I almost teeter on the edge of just saying that NLP is magic or that magic is just NLP, right? Um, although the only thing that keeps me from saying that is the exclusion of, uh, spiritual paradigms and oh, like other metaphysical things that NLP doesn’t necessarily always talk. Um, but definitely NLP is like a cornerstone of my personal magical practice. Uh, whether it’s during like a ritual or empty-handed stuff, NLP just learning it and knowing those concepts as has been like a staple of everything else because knowing how attention works, how, uh, responses work, um, visualization, how all those things have an effect on your physiology and, and what you perceive that just that just supercharges everything that I do. Uh, NLP is like, you could say that it’s magic. Yeah. It’s, it’s a, it’s like I look at magic as like a, a mental software. Like it’s a, it’s a meetup program in which you can install other applets, let’s say. And LP is like, is like an Adobe suite, right? Views of athletics. Great analogy. Yeah. You an introduced a book when we talked before. I want to bring it up again because the book of our Tam is integrating neural linguistic programming and magic. And it’s also talking about pendulums before buddy [inaudible] Zeeland was talking about pendulums. So, um, your first, thanks for [inaudible]. The name of the book is the book about Tim. I headed up here, but it’s a, I just wanted to get your perspective on that and what you had learned from that particular particular book. Well, um, in our last conversation, I did kind of allude to that. He mentioned pendulum’s before vetting. I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s 100% correct. Um, what I really meant was that he introduced an idea that may have been before the time you wrote the book. I’m not sure, but it was definitely before I had a years before I had read reality train surfing or was even aware of it. But he talked about this idea of mimetic entities. The root were being beam. Right. He’s not saying the word pendulum, but the idea behind it, the idea behind that is my first impression from breezing through it. Yeah. Yeah. It’s a really similar idea behind it. Um, but their applications of it are fundamentally different. Um, Farber 20 talks about mimetic entities. He, it’s really closely parallel with pendulums in that they’re thought organisms that live and breathe on human consciousness and spread via human consciousness and occur when, uh, groups of humans hold a similar idea. Right. Um, and, but he also connects with that idea with the idea of almost like a server tor [inaudible] we had a little brief thing about serving tours, um, in that he actually will, he even has instructions on how to design, I’m a medic entity of your own that has whatever traits and values that you want it to have and how to absorb that, that entities energy into your own. And of course, video games, ceiling’s idea of pendulums is he doesn’t really look at them as a thought form that you interact with directly or personally or that you may, he does briefly. Cause he does say that each person is their own pendulum. Right? But he doesn’t, he doesn’t really talk about doing that. Um, and he, he, she just says, pendulums are, you know, thought forms that are overall destructive because they, uh, pull energy from you in this way or that way. And it has inherence and those things are related to Farber’s idea of memes. But I’m also, Farber has a whole set, he lists these interesting sets of, um, what he calls the powers of about 10. And by the way, attem is its own server tore, right? It’s, it’s its own entity yet the book, it’s, it’s so Meta. It’s so awesome. I love how he does this, that he is a Tim, the entity Tim, which now has grown because you know about it, um, to explain the whole power and the whole structure of how a mimetic entity works. And so he gives a tem and names these powers that they have. There’s like eight powers I think, and a set of, uh, I don’t know their attributes or it’s like eight powers and seven attributes or nine attribute, something like that. And you can use these a as an idea to both recognize and create your own medical cities, which is very cool. And as we had mentioned, um, but deem eland mentions first of all and 78 days of trans surfing to create your own guardian. So we’re not talking. If you believe that you can create your own reality, then you can create entities. And he is saying, even if you don’t believe it’s real in your mind, it can have an advantage. And so that’s why, that’s where I’m coming at. Where there’s some advantage in talking about it. He does mention an analogy in the book in reality, transferring of the Eager Gore, which is talked about in old magic books is which is a literal living entity like attem that is made from thought. Um, so my question is to with with your advanced knowledge of NLP memetics, do you become aware of pendulums? How do you become aware that of pendulum’s taking away or being destructive? Because I, when I was talking to Bootsy Greenwood yesterday, we did say some pendulums can be good, but when you have a negative pendulum that you know is taking your energy or maybe affecting your reality or pulling you on a different lifeline, do you have any particular techniques that you can share that can help separate from a pendulum [inaudible] or move or distance or deep power yourself? Decouple yourself from a pendulum? Well, a couple of ideas in there. That’s where the NLP comes in because like you said, uh, it doesn’t really matter if it’s real or not. Um, even in Farber’s instructions on how to create an, an entity and absorb it, he’s using NLP. He specifically uses NLP techniques to achieve a neurological reaction that Wright is identical to the result you’re looking for. Um, so there’s that, that in mind as far as entities being destructive and how to not be, you know, susceptible to them. First of all, my understanding, and maybe this isn’t right, maybe someone can correct me, but my understanding of vet deems declaration of pendulums as negative is, or like a technical term and not necessarily a, uh, based on good or bad. Um, and that the idea that an a pendulum is positive, he doesn’t really say that there’s a positive pendulum. He’s just says that all pendulums are destructive because they take energy from you without giving anything back. And that there are some pendulums with which you resonate. And uh, if there’s something you like doing, you like being part of a sports team, you enjoy going to the sports bar and you enjoy going to the games and painting your face and being with your family and your friends, that’s par. That’s something you’re into. Then like he says, you found your pendulum. Uh, but that pendulum is still technically destructive. It’s still taking energy from you. It’s still making you an adherent. It’s still, um, making you, you still have to follow its rules or else you’ll be neutralized, right? But you know, you don’t notice it because you like it. You’re into that, you’re into it. Um, so as far as like not being into something, you just, if you’re not into it, just don’t be into it. Right? If I say, let’s take a super obvious example. Politics. If you’re not into something that a certain political figure or a certain government is doing, then don’t give it energy. Don’t pay it attention. Now you might say, well, uh, I live here. How would I, how do I not pay attention to my own government? You do that by not giving it your attentive energy in live. You can abide by the rules of, of the society and do as it as you please as far as you’re not hurting yourself or anyone else and operate within that while still giving your attentive energy to an idea that you do prefer. So let’s say you, um, you have a better idea for what the government should be like, then you can live in, in that government and you can, you can have, I mean, it depends on, you know, depending on this context, obviously full varied tree or whatever you’re in, but you can put energy toward with your action, toward the pendulum of your choice or towards whatever idea you want to put forth. But the, the main idea is to, is, is that looking back at Farber again, the way a pendulum lives and a billion meme lives is by human attention. If it doesn’t have human attention, it dies. That’s what it feed on. That’s what it lives in. If it doesn’t have you, that’s why a Latin, they used Latin as an example for a dead language. It’s only dead. It’s not really dead because I’m talking about it right now. But you see how it’s a smaller, like you can even sense with your intuition in the new sphere. That’s a word. Farber came up with the new sphere of the, um, the spa. You can say that the new sphere is, um, it’s probably not the space of variations, but it’s a, it’s an area where it’s like the, um, the space where means exist where we’re pendulums and the medic entities exist. It’s like the consciousness network of the earth, the new sphere. You can even sense intuitively the noosphere that the language of Latin is a smaller, weaker organism than the language of Japanese or language English because it’s stronger in your mind. You, you understand, you know some Japanese words, you know a lot of English words, right? Latin is not something you hear about very often, unless people are literally talking about dead languages. So that, that, that’s a clue. And there’s things that are completely dead, which I can’t name because I don’t know what they are because they’re dead. Um, so that’s, that’s how you kill a pendulum. You just, you don’t talk about it, you don’t think about it. You don’t call them, you don’t text them, don’t look them up. I won’t Facebook. Right. Well, so I don’t think that we’re supposed to end up being hermits though. So we’re not supposed to sit in our house and just be hermits, do avoid it. We’re gonna be the participating with these no matter what. And so I think that what you’ve said is pretty good recommendation is just go back to my attention if I think that I’m having the, so something I love to talk to somebody that’s, that’s, that’s read a lot about magic. Is there any techniques, practices, rituals, ideas that you’ve learned from magic in particular that have, uh, that you’ve applied that have, that have gay given you some power or have been very effective that we can, that we can use the, that we can model and apply to what we’re talking about with consciousness and reality creation? Yeah, a lot of different things. There’s not a whole lot of different bits and pieces. The most prevalent idea that comes to mind as you asked me the question is the concept of serialization and gnosis. Um, you know about sigils a lot, best many for many people, the first thing they learn about, especially in the Internet age about magic is, is visuals, which is basically a symbol that’s made of letters, which represent a desire or an intent that you have an idea of the Sigil is that you have encoded this intention into this symbol and that the symbol you charge it using gnosis, which is, um, uh, a trends. What’s the word? Trends and dental state of mind. That’s not the right word, but it’ll come. But you know, uh, an altered state of an ultra state and via, you know, drumming, you could get it by drumming, um, music, just a walking, meditation, sexual practices, all kinds of different practices. But it’s a, it’s a transferred state where your, your, um, your monkey mind, your regular third dimensional attention is, is at rest and you go into a feta wave probably if I’m getting that right. Uh, Theta brain. Yeah, essentially. Right. Just in that meditative lower brainwave state where the mind is not really active is in the Beta. Right? Yeah. Right. The idea is that in that state, your subconscious mind becomes much more susceptible to suggestion and using the program. I like to, I’m a computer guy, so I call it, I call them programs, but using the, that that program you put into the Sigil, you can imprint that impression. You can make that impression on two years of conscious mind and therefore manifest that into the world. Um, it’s almost like an advanced affirmation that simplified. So you know, if you had like a paragraph long affirmation, you can put it into a single symbol and it has the same resonance for people that haven’t tried it. I mean I’ve used [inaudible] sigils on artwork. I’ve used a Jew or it can be something as simple as a symbol, but, but it is a form of attention redirection in many ways. Exactly. That’s a really good way to put it in a form of attention redirection. And this idea of, to answer your question of what like kind of power, I feel like it’s, it’s given me is that this idea of situation can be carried on to pretty much anything that you create. Isn’t it? Just have to be a symbol on a piece of paper. It can be a piece of music or a piece of artwork. It can be, um, work that you’re doing with people. Uh, the idea of, of getting yourself in a, in a s in a conducive state and a conductive state and embedding work with intention, right. Something, a lot of people that are watching this are not aware that we had a whole other interview. So it’s, it’s kind of intranet. I’m, I’m trying to remember what questions I’ve asked right now, but something we didn’t talk about that I, that I wanted to talk about a little bit more with you or was, uh, we were talking, uh, what about psychedelic experiences and how those integrate with magic and reality creation. Uh, something that I’m super fascinated by, uh, and just wanted to know what your, experiencing, what your impression and experiences of that universe is. Okay. Um, well, the best way to ask the question, you understand what I’m trying to get at because I think there’s a link with this stuff. Yeah. That’s a big universe. Um, yeah, I’ve had some experience, uh, some experiments with psychedelics. Um, just, you know, first of all, you know, first off is a kid just wanting to experiment and then doing it more intention. Right? Um, this is why there’s a big, there’s a lot there that’s a ball of yarn that, right. So do you think that there, let me think of the best of the best way I can only talk about my own personal experiences with psychedelics made me become aware of what I believe is magic or if you know, the, the scientist part of my mind, a part of the universe that I cannot necessarily put in scientific terms that may be interacting and flowing with what we’re talking about when we’re creating reality with the mirror universe, with the alternative space. And so sometimes I’ll sit back and reflect, uh, about the alternative space, about these concepts and I look back on my psychedelic experiences and it seems like the veil was, here’s a better question. Do you think that we’re, we’re, we are seeing the mirror reality when we’re in those psychedelic experiences. I’m not sure exactly what you mean by mere reality, right? As discussed in like tufty or in [inaudible] Zealand, he’s saying that there, that the university, there’s a mirror that we’re interacting with in the mirror is the alternative space and the mirror reflects back upon us. And a lot of times, uh, when you read about people’s Iowasca experiences, it seems like it’s a deep inner reflection of their own subconscious psyche that’s occurring and that it’s not really something that’s happening on the outside of the world, but we’re seeing, uh, we’re delving deeper into the, do you understand what I’m trying to get at? Maybe, um, I haven’t had experience with Ios with specifically when I’ve had experiences with, um, things like with, with LSD for example. I would say, I often say to people when we get to talking about it that LSD is like a scientist and Sila Simon is like a Sholman, right? Uh, because they, they, they have somewhat similar effects, but they have a different way of going about how they affect your brain. And with something like LSD, I could say that I’ve had experiences that seemed like I had a vastly different perspective on reality, about reality due to the changes that were happening in my brain. That if to the shifts in perspective that I had, um, both in like w like in scope, like the seems like a, this scope that of ideas that my mind was grasping at were much wider. Right? So I was able to see what felt like a logical network, oh, a hue, a wide logical network of a lot of different ideas, right? But previously you weren’t necessarily related and all of a sudden were related. And so, uh, things like synchronicities start to start popping up. And, uh, I look back then looking back in the past and seeing, uh, the, the connection of events in my life and seeing them in a different context and, um, perhaps sometimes seeing a dip up, a different meaning behind them. And I’ve often had experiences that made me question whether or not we were, um, in some kind of all kinds of different ideas that might arise. Like, whether we’re in a software simulation innovation, um, like I like I had like experiences, like DMT experiences where I’ve woken up in what looked like a laboratory like, and, and like it was, it was like a momentary lapse in a program and it was like my console was awake and I suddenly became aware of the room where my real body was. Wow. That’s amazing. Right. And it was like, oh, okay. The, the program goes for a second. [inaudible] okay. I can tell you this story. I’ll just say this, so, yeah. Okay. So it be a quick story. No, no, it’s all good. I want to hear it for sure. I don’t have a lot of memory of everything up to this point. The, this is the, the moment that stuck with me from this particular experience was, um, a sensation similar to opening my eyes. I say that because I like, I don’t necessarily feel like I had eyelids, but like it was like opening my eyes. It was like something turning on. Wow. And I was laying down. So I guess like maybe I had a body and it was like, well, I was horizontal and I was in like this, it was like a, it’s like a casket, like a, not, not a dead person cascade, but like a science table. Um, pod, like the pod in Avatar kind of, Eh, okay. Yeah. I like the pot and Avatar, right? Just like the potted Avatar. Right. And, and I woke up and I turned my head and there was a, someone standing there and they were, at first they weren’t looking, they were like busy doing something. And I open my eyes and as soon as I opened my eyes, it turned and looked at me and it kinda had a sense of humor. It was like, it was like, it knew something was wrong, but it had a sense of humor. Body’s like, oh, hello. You’re not supposed to be. I was like, Oh, uh, oh, you need to go back to sleep. Uh, what do you think though? This is pretty, pretty crazy how he was like talking to me. Like, I would talk to my cat, like, you know, hey, what are you doing over there? Okay. You know, wow. He was like, okay, I’m here. I don’t know what exactly happened. Maybe turn a dial or maybe it just, you know, maybe just the drug just wore off. I left, I went back to sleep and fell backward. Back to back to here. No, a lot of people have had similar situations. Of course they, people have commonality in witnessing certain entities. Um, uh, you know, under these experiences. But I keep on thinking while you’re saying that we were introduced to this concept in to 50 of the Plat or plate, which is something coming from the back of our head that controls our reality. And it very literally could have been what was plugged into you while you’re sitting in that pod or this, the memory of eight, what you could have been experiencing. Who knows? But it could have been a memory, a reincarnated memory, like way in the past, your soul had been through this experience, right? Or it could have been something that’s happening in the moment or as some people will theorize that it’s all in the present moment and you know, but, but, uh, what road is likely to go subject to psychedelics. I had, while you were saying that I had this other memory that came up on an LSD experience, right. We felt a cord going back from my head and, and being in my reality in a weird way is like a set of lenses, which was my face, you know, five senses like, and, and it was like I suddenly became aware of, I drew it. I’m looking for this drawing. Oh yeah. Yeah. Well, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll find, no, it’s cool. It’s interesting because the concept of the plate when we first started to discuss it amongst ourselves, may have first been talked about by Carlos Castaneda. And people may not totally agree with Castin Ada, but the dude was into psychedelics. He’s talking about Payoti and different things. So I’m saying, okay, now that’s what I was trying to get. There’s a link, there’s something, maybe reality. Trans surfing is a level of awakening that’s similar to psychedelics. You know, Terence Mckenna in a, I don’t know which book states that when in humans many, many years ago came out onto the plains and they didn’t have any food to eat because they had left the area that we’re at and they, you know, found some mushrooms and started taking that. And that was when we started to create language and started to write and create written symbols and communicate. And so there was a transformation, a huge singularity that occurred. And that was one of the first singularities that occurred. And when I created the, the, the concept of the podcast for reality revolution, it was because of an innate feeling that we’re going through another kind of revolution, a reality revolution. Trans Surfing to me is part of this, that we’re all awakening to these powers of our mind and the intricate forces of it. And I think it’s uniquely involved with psychedelics and, and what we’re talking about so that, that’s what’s what came to mind. Yeah. Yeah. I think that you probably draw that connection. And I draw that connection as well because it’s, psychedelics have the interesting effect of causing, it’s interesting that uh, a lot of different people can take a second Delek and they’ll all have a completely different experience but different, a lot of commonalities still occur and a lot of patterns occur. That’s why if you go this year, you’re going to certain festivals, it’s always the same sorts of things. You like art, artwork and things you see and there’s certain certain sounds that are start to resonate with you. Right. Um, I do think there’s a connection between though, if you were, if you were to say that there’s a reality revolution happening, then I would say that there’s a psychedelic connection to that. Just like the, the experience, the second delicate experience is, is like an accelerated learning experience. It’s like, um, a high volume download of information. I, I w I used to describe it as, it’s like we have glasses on our brain and we can suddenly see what’s been kind of blurry. I used to say that, uh, it’s like going from your, your normal life is in 64. And uh, psychedelics is like playing this like PS4. Right. That’s a good another good analogy. Make sense? So before we go down that rabbit hole too far, I wanted to, let’s pull it back a little bit. So another thing that really struck me when our last conversation, you have a, um, you’re very similar to me, big, big time into Tim Ferris and a lot of these self help books. And so, uh, we had, we had kind of talked about different routines and things that had worked and I was pretty fascinated. You have a very interesting morning routine that you’ve developed over time. It doesn’t have to be every time, but I wanted to get your morning routine. I ask all my guests, I’m always fascinated by, um, especially people that are interested in personal development and what kind of morning routine you’ve had over time. If you could share that with the reality revolution. Yeah. Over time, I have developed a morning routine, which is, so, um, I’ll wake up around four or five in the morning and I immediately rollover and write in my journal and I’ll start with the dream journal record, whatever genes I may have. I didn’t have any, I’ll just write it at, remember no dreams. Um, and then I’ll do it like a five minute reading. Although Tim Ferriss kind of got it from him. Like I used to just, I used to use a, like a different guys method of just writing a whole two pages. Um, and that was a really good practice actually. Just, just the practice of waking up in writing every morning and doing a brain dump is really, really made a difference in my life. Um, just just in like focus, uh, stress levels. It’s, it’s crazy. Like, I don’t even remember what I wrote down the whole day, but just the, the act of waking up and doing that. Like one time I, uh, there was a series of mornings where I wrote this whole like story. Uh, every morning I woke up and wrote a different part of the story. I don’t know the whole story. I don’t even know the story. It’s, it’s in the book. I could read it, I can go back and read it, but just it’s there. Um, it’s, it’s just like that creative energy getting out. So I like to do that. And I started doing Tim Ferriss thing where he, he calls it a five minute journal. You just write for five minutes, whatever. So I started doing that. So I’ll wake up and do a five minute journal, Dream Journal, meditate for 15 minutes and I’ll just, um, do three Ohms, a home free times and kind of set the, uh, I set up kind of a mental space by doing that, like a it NLP concept, changing state. I do that to change change state real quick, uh, meditate for 15 minutes on no three ohms and I will work out. I started, my doctor told me that I should eat first now, so I guess, but, uh, up till like this morning, um, I’ll work out, um, I’ll go for a jog and or lift some weights and then I’ll have a shower. And I forgot to mention this last time before I get in the shower, I do a mirror gazing technique that I got from, you might’ve been thinking grow rich. He was one of the oldest thing or it’s magical believing with quad Bristow or thinking richness old. Yeah. One of those, um, I do near gazing. I just don’t look at myself and do the whole thing that he describes and I say affirmations. I do 10 overall life affirmations and I hop in the shower and they get out and get dressed and I make breakfast and I have a nice breakfast. Make sure it’s, you know, healthy. I’m trying to eat more, I’m trying to gain some weights. I’m trying to like eat even more now. Um, and I’ll start work. You want to start work? I usually like to depending on what day it is. So I have a mind map that is a map of drawing from basically my heart space to all the goals that I want for my life. That all the experiences that I do like subtractively to things that are just like bothering me basically that I haven’t done yet. Um, and I have a mind map of all those things and I address all those. And every morning I have a to do list with items that are actionable tasks related to those goals. Um, as well as like just work, work stuff like client work and to do stuff. Um, and I overview those and that gives me a feeling like, okay, I’m assuming, because I’m kind of, you know, I’m, I’m acting out a target slide that these now as, as a function of my ultimate target slide are finished. Right. And I know specifically what’s, so that gives me a feeling of all right, cool. I’m good. Like is cool. And that gives me just, you know, little little boost of confidence, a little, a little dopamine shot. And, um, from there I pretty much, I organize what tasks are urgent, what need to be done today. The most of it’s usually already set because I do this at the beginning of the week and I’ll sit down and outline what I’m gonna do. I’ll block out hours on a Google calendar of work tasks. And that’s pretty much the routine from there on. It’s whatever, whatever happens. And like you said, you don’t necessarily get the whole eight hours, you, you break it up sometimes and take little naps of throughout the day. I’ll probably get like four, five hours of sleep maybe at night and then I’ll wake up, I’ll do some work and take a nap during the day. Which is interesting cause they’re, you know, I had read a study that said it, you break down your sleep in 90 minute increments, not necessarily in the full eight hours and if you’re getting the full whatever number of hours that is in 90 minute increments. So you don’t, you don’t find yourself tired even though that five hour because of the way that you adjust your sleep schedule then, right? Oh yeah. Um, I mean I feel tired sometimes I feel right. I feel tired. Like at the end of the day, I guess right at the end of like, you know, a long day I’ll, I’ll be tired. But uh, you know, you get some rest and yeah, it’s been working pretty well. It’s not this, that part of it isn’t really by design. Like if I, if I was my choice, I’d sleep with him for eight hours just cause I feel like it’d be nice to sleep well just lay down and sleep eight hours. But for some reason I seem to be waking up at three, four, five in the morning. Right. Very cool. And a question I asked last time, have you ever experienced anything supernatural? I ask every guest and sometimes it’s a hard question to answer because life is supernatural in many ways, like on a daily basis. But anything that you can share with us every day. Supernatural. That’s true. [inaudible] coincidence, weird manifestations. Yeah. I mean I’ve experienced some things. Okay. I have a fun one. Yeah. Also I mentioned the mere affirmation [inaudible] so I read this book and I decided to do, and this was I think probably 2016 yeah, this was 2016 cause I remember we lose, let me funny. Um, I decided it was almost like a news resolution that I was going to do this mirror affirmation, uh, did stare into the mirror to my eyes and I, I guess specifically gaze into my left eye because I went to lightning in a bottle and went to this couples thing and they, they like they told us specifically look into the left eye, look into each other’s eyes. So I’m like, okay, it’s my left eye and you know, commanding myself to be, you know, what I think the gaze of the person I want to be, whatever. Just you know, have that energy of that I want. And I said yes. I said to myself, I am a world travelling millionaire. I am world traveling millionaire. I said, I said that 10 times that I did every single day, every morning and at the time, oh, was never sees this. I, at the time I was working on I was doing like Photoshop work, like some video work on fiber and I was hit up out of the blue by this artist I had never heard of, but all out of nowhere he sent me $100 order to make something. Literally anything like he like just told me like the brief was very wide. Like you literally just like Alex EPT, whatever you send me, just send me, send me like, so I wanted to do a good job. So of course I’d made like this cool three graphic and he ended up sending me a series of like 11 or 12 of those in like paying me like upwards of like $1,300 for these, um, like 3d graphics. And uh, right at the end of this, my friend was like, hey man, he was going to Japan to like to meet up some people’s name and you wanted to go to Japan. And I was like, ah, yeah. Oh, okay. Hold up, hold up. There’s a this, the crazier is there’s another parts of this that will really make a supernatural, this is even better. So I fuck, excuse me, this is like a whole timeline. So my friend hit me up and said, do you want to go to Japan? And the incident, he hit me up, the vision of me sitting on a bench in Tokyo with my skateboard saying ohm came to mind and this was my own kind of technique. This is full circle man. My own technique that I had been developing for years that came off of a series of experiments in some cases involving psychedelics whereby I would set up future memory nodes well in which I would be in a certain place at a certain and, and under certain conditions. And one of those memory knows I was sitting in Tokyo with my skateboard, um, or the certain weather and a certain place that looked a certain way going home. And I, you know, we talked about ohm. Ohm is a key factor. I, I’m going to have to explain the whole technique later cause it’s, it’s a whole thing but it’s a key point. It’s a key factor in the, in the, in the technique. Actually I, I do have a video on, I think like Sonny’s group about this, but basically I use ohm and the vibration to um, build what later I would learn to call a target slide, a series of target slides that are interconnected. And every single time I would reach one of those target slides, I would act it out full, full force. I had another one before that where I got my first car. So as soon as I got the car, I held my girlfriend’s hand and said, hold on baby. It’s going to be just a second. This is going to be really weird for a second. But just hoping who you’re human. You remember me for a second. Okay. And I stared at the back of my car, like I intended to, uh, maybe six to nine months earlier. Right? So every time you do it, every time I did it, it reaffirmed that belief. Every time I, I got to a node, it was like, Yep, this works. Ohm. Yes, this works. And so I would make them more and more fantastic. So I was like, let’s go to fucking Tokyo cause I want to go to Tokyo. And so my friend said, you want to go to Japan and you want to go to Tokyo? I said, okay. Yeah, I’m getting, I’m getting on the plane. Let’s go. And um, brought your skateboard. Yeah. Long. No, I didn’t bring my skateboard. I had to buy one. Right. But yeah, long story, sorry. I got lost in Tokyo. Almost felt like I was gonna Die Thirst and starvation. Bought a Skateboard, found the bench, did the ohm. There it was. I was, I was there. It, I, it came true. And it was interesting to me that like, um, all the, there was like a whole series of, of intentional things. It could have been this technique or that taking, it didn’t matter which technique it was, right? It was, that belief was the key component, the tool. So later on, I, I was somehow in doing that, I was somehow led to read this book with somehow through my own figuring out, had the idea to do this practice, this technique every morning of doing the mirror affirmations, which somehow led to me being a world traveler, not a millionaire, right. And not traveling. Right? But here’s the, yeah, I still want to do that. I don’t care about being a millionaire anymore. Um, but like [inaudible] the funny thing is like, you know, I just went to Tokyo with, with $1,000. I didn’t travel the world with a million, but you know, it, it’s, that’s the same that was, that was, um, like they say like, it’s not necessarily gonna be exactly what your mind is going to be, something of the energy that you’re looking for. And so that I had the energy of traveling the world with money that I earned through, through having a good time and, uh, through like effortless means and, and then fulfilling that. And afterwards I, by the end of it, I was like, dude, if I’m sick of Tokyo, I want to go back home. Right? Well it did. Just a great reminder. If you have something that manifest, sometimes that word’s overused. Sometimes you have something that happens that you visualized before. You should take a moment and do something so that you can market like you just said the ome or something. And I’ve thought about that. You might, sometimes we have things that manifest and we just kinda like let it go. But, but what you did is perfect. It’s like you’re communicating back to yourself in the past. It’s almost like you’re creating a link through that vibration and in the OAM itself creates a, so I’m going to start doing that. I’m going to create some kind of way to vibrate in certain manifestations when they occur as a reminder. So itself holds the vibration of the manifestation and it gives you your actual physical vibration in your body. You actually crystallized too, right? So, um, I asked you about this before, but what is your perspective on parallel realities and do you think they exist? And can we travel through them? I think it depends on whatever camp you come from and whatever paradigm you follow. Um, I will say that a model of parallel realities can be useful. Yes. As a tech, as a way of accepting things that are outside of your belief zone. I agree. Absolutely. Have you ever experiencing anything that made you think that you were, had traveled to a parallel reality? Yeah, actually, you know, I didn’t answer this as well last time, but now that I’ve talked about that last technique and an experience I’ve had, I’ve had other nodes like that I’ve set up and it manifested, I have other nodes that I set up in and actually abandoned because I decided I didn’t want them anymore. Um, and I have actually thought of the, that I’m just transferring into a, a parallel reality where these exists because I could have chosen not to do it. Like the thing with Japan, I could’ve just chosen not made that choice to do that and you know, something else would have, would have occurred. So a parallel realities, the useful to have a mental model to imagine that there is another reality, another series of cause and effects or lifeline that exist that exist that could have, that could have occurred or that even still exists and is occurring simultaneously right now. Right. I don’t know like at the moment why that’s useful, but you know, you know, I think that you put it into words better than I could. I think that what I’m trying to starting to get at is that, you know, I was talking to a physicist the other day who was making fun of reality creates the whole community talking about parallel realities, how you know, it’s ridiculous and we don’t understand what our ta I’m talking about and you should keep your mouth shut because you don’t understand about parallel rallies. But it is effective as a mental model going back to design, human engineering and NLP as a model of thinking. Because the, the hardest thing for people to do sometimes is get past that idea. I don’t believe that this is possible, but if you do believe or accept the idea of a possibility of a parallel reality or an information field that carries the information of parallel reality, then suddenly you can say, well, yeah, it is possible because there’s some universe where that happened and I want to tap into that lifeline and let that occur. So I think that you helped define that for me and I appreciate that. So, and I would say if like if someone is bent on the logical point of view, then I would say, well, you know, look at the whole course of human history and the amazing feats that a human being is capable of and the amazing rate and amount of change that a human beings capable of going through and what a, what a human beings capable of accomplishing. Knowing the fact of that, you just look at human history knowing that yeah, it’s very likely that you as a fellow human being should be capable of just as much, just as much change, just as much as a accomplishment. [inaudible] the idea of a parallel reality in, in, in, in terms of practical usage for your personal development of the idea that a parallel reality where you exist as exactly what wet and where you want to be is useful because you have that option to imagine a possible, uh, a possible call, a stream of cause and effect to get there and you have the option to believe that it is possible. So the idea that it exists in a reality is just, it gives you, it gives your brain some something that you want it to visualize, a place where you can get to. Now, outside of parallel realities, do you believe there are other dimensions and you know, going back to psychedelics, I think that was the first time that I personally had felt, you know, I don’t think I’m in my own dimension right now. Maybe that, you know, you never know because it’s all subjective. Do you believe there are other dimensions, not just realities for your own timeline, but other dimensions? I think there’s a good chance there is, right? I don’t know for sure, but I think there’s a good, a good chance that there are dimensions outside of human perception. Just looking at the narrow with of the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light. That alone, just looking at that, it’s like, okay, well what could be existing outside of the human human range of perception. Perception, right? What do you think happens? And of course there is no right answer. And I didn’t ask this last time. What do you think happens when we die? Are we moving to another dimension? Do we just die? What is your own impression through your own subjective experience in your life up to this point as to what happens? Yeah. I have no idea, man. Well, that’s a great answer. Yeah. And that sometimes is the best answer, right? No, I have no idea. Maybe I’m, I feel like nothingness wouldn’t be an option. Just logically, and this is after, you know, 10 seconds of thinking about it. That nothingness couldn’t work. Your energy would have to go somewhere and you have to dissipate at least. Um, I don’t know if you’d still be conscious, so of a place where you’d still be where you’d be going, but it’s hard to, it’s impossible to imagine where your consciousness would, where would go if it just disappeared. Right. Well it’s, it’s, it’s interesting to speculate about. So a couple of other questions I always ask that kind of outside of all this, uh, just uh, do you have a favorite book that you recommend other than that? We talked about the book about Tim, but you know, anything similar other than Harry Potter. Right. I like a, okay. Broad pragmatic thinking and learning. I Andy Hunt, it’s a really good one. It talks about the brain and how thinking and learning works. It’s written by a software developer and I believe it’s written for software developers, but it’s surprisingly brain and mind centric. And it’s, he early, he only mentioned software like in, in problem solving examples. But it’s really about the mind about how you think, how you learn and how to accelerate your learning by taking advantage of the biology of the brain. And I really love this oh term he coined what were, what were the um, software of the mind and how to, how to upgrade it, maintain it, keep it clean, keep it running quickly. And I really love his interpretation of the brain hemispheres. And he talks about how the model of the left and the right brain aren’t really accurate in how the brain always operates with both hemispheres of the brain. It’s not just like one analytical site working and then one creative side working there. He talks about how to engage both sides simultaneously and how it’s more like they operate in different modes. There’s an l mode and an ar mode and you’re an l mode. When you’re in focus and you’re practicing, you’re building skills and you’re downloading information, you’re reading, studying, practicing, whatever. And then he touches on the importance of arrest and the ar mode because that’s where neural connections are actually built. When you’re sleeping, when you’re having a walk, when you’re relaxing, eating, I’m taking a shower. That’s why you get so many genius. All your genius ideas come to you in the shower or while you’re having a walk, when you’re just like doing something else, you never get your genius ideas when you’re just like, try trying to come up with them. They never up. Um, so that’s the, that’s because of the, our mode of the brain and he talks about the biology of that and it’s really interesting. Okay. Yeah. You had mentioned that last time and I, and I can’t wait to read that book because the more I thought about it since our last conversation, uh, we’re not left or right brain, but it is like a mode in, you’re in a computer, like you’re moving to a different hard drive or a different program. And so I can’t wait to read that. So one other question. Do you have a favorite movie that you’d recommend for the reality revolution? Not necessarily favorite, but a, a movie that you know, that I might not have heard of or something like that. Yeah, it’s hard to think of a favorite movie, but when I try to think of movies, I don’t know why this movie always comes up in my mind. It’s not even like a really good movie, but absolutely the best. Right? Yeah. But it’s really interesting. Like when I first saw it, I geeked out, it’s called immortal. It’s from Belgium, like being, and it came out in 2004, I think. And it’s about an Egyptian God, I think it’s still, he has a bird head. He comes out of a, yeah, this just, just fuck dude with a bird head. He comes out of a pyramid, a great pyramid of Giza, which is floating above a city. This is a Saifai film here made as apparently a spaceship. And I guess this is in a setting where some years ago the pyramid revealed itself as a spaceship and it’s just floating there. Um, and this is like in a futuristic city where people are like part robot and there’s like all this scientific, uh, Saifai s political unrest. And there was like a revolutionary guy who gets possessed by this Egyptian God. And there’s this girl who is like a, she’s like a another life form for another like dimension. She’s some kind of chosen one and it’s really interesting stories. Really. Oh my God, it sounds awesome. Yeah. Oh yeah. If you’re into like I’m just that kind of thing. I actually saw it, I got the movie from seeing the visuals from it in like a a trippy like conspiracy movie on Youtube or something and they just use the visuals from it. I was like, Whoa, that lives gnarly. I’m a very, what’s that movie? Very cool. No, that’s awesome. I plan on watching that right away. So now, you know, I think our interview ended up being better than it was last time. Uh, you know, sometimes when things don’t work out it’s to our advantage and I think it was in this particular case, so I learned a lot. So everybody check out Lawrence’s, you youtube channel, the last mystery school. He’s got some great videos on the chameleon and I know you’re going to come out with some new stuff. You got podcast, Magical Mumbles and Trans Surfing TV. He is the creative director, which is coming out with great content all the time. It’s been a true pleasure. I really thank you for being so gracious with your time and I learned a lot, man. Thanks you so much. I really appreciate it. Hey, thank you, man. We got to do a, let’s do it again on a [inaudible] sure. Anytime. Just let me know. Yeah. Cool. Thanks. Thanks f
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