Henry Thomas Hamblin Lessons In Dynamic Thought Lesson 8 Action And The Law Of Attraction || EP 744

THERE  has  been  a  lot  of  nonsense  written  and  spoken  about  the  Law  of Attraction. People have been solemnly taught that all they need to do is to adopt a  certain  mental  attitude,  think  thoughts  of  success  and  abundance,  and  then  to sit and wait for abundance of all good things to drop from the skies at their feet. The  folly  of  it  is  seen  when  we  find  that  these  teachers  of  “abundance”  and “opulence”  have  themselves  to  work  for  a  living,  by  teaching  the  very  thing which, if true, would save them from all necessity of working.  

Supposing  it  were  true,  then  what  is  possible  for  one  would  be  possible  for  all, and if all adopted this method of getting a living then who would till the soil or make our clothes? Would everything we need. come from the skies? Even if these were true and man could draw all that he needed by the power of thought from the blue vault of heaven, then no one would have anything to do, life would become stagnant, and the race would perish from inaction.

Life  is  action,  and  if  a  man  ceases  to  work  he  at  once  begins to disintegrate and soon  requires  six  feet  of  earth  wherein  to  cover  his  bones.  When  business  men retire they quickly die, and those who, being born with riches have no necessity to work for a living, have to find work and interest of some sort in order to prevent themselves from mental and physical decay.  

There  is  no  such  thing  as  getting  something  for  nothing.  The  principle  of  the “square deal” runs right through life and the Universe. A business man who tries to get something for nothing, who, in other words, fails to give value for money, finally  finds  himself  without  a  customer.  Those  who  try  to  evade  this  law  by creating   trusts   and   combines   will   find   that   their   ill   gotten   gains   will   be confiscated  by  a  power  greater  than  themselves.  

The  “square  deal,”  reasonable profits,  fair  wages,  honest  straight-forward  business  integrity,  all  these  will succeed  and  continue  to  succeed,  as  long  as  there  remain  people  to  do  business with;  but  the  “ring”  or  “combine”  or  “trust,”  squeezing  its  swollen,  dishonest profits  out  of  the  life  and  blood  of  the  common  people,  can only do business so long as the community allows them to. All who read history know  what  has  been  the  fate  of  tyrants  in  the  past,  and  there  is  no  reason  for believing  that  the  profiteers  and  extortioners  of  the  present  day  will  fare  any better….

There is a Law of Compensation running through life and the Universe and you cannot avoid it. If you are to succeed you must work and accomplish; if you are to receive the riches of the world you must give of your best in exchange. “Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you.” This  is  where  the  Law  of  Attraction  operates,  not  by  your  sitting  still  and expecting the impossible to happen, but by the giving in faith and confidence of your  best  efforts  to  the  World.  By  calling  upon  your  hidden  powers,  and  by creating  powerful  thoughts,  you  attract  to  yourself  armies  of  thoughts  of  a similar  kind,  which  passing  into  your  subconscious mind  are  translated  into actions of the highest type, the type that glories in achievement, and that wins Success. Thus if you give your best to the  world,  then  in  the  form  of  a  rich  and  abundant success  “the  best  will  come back to you.”

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