WE now have to deal with that part of your Mind which is the center of all action and the seat of all memory. Not only the memory of this life, but the race memory of all mankind. This division of the mind we will call the sub-conscious mind, we will do so in order to distinguish it from the mind of creation, intuition, and inspiration, which we have already considered, and also from the objective or conscious mind which will be described later. This sub-division is not orthodox according to the ordinary teachings of psychology.
The usual practice is to term the whole of the submerged mind sub-conscious. That this is not correct must, if we think for a moment, be apparent. The sub-conscious mind acts only according to instruction and instinct. Thoughts and commands flow from the seat of the Will through the conscious mind down into the sub-conscious mind and are immediately acted upon. The sub-conscious mind is a blind intelligence. It cannot reason–it can remember, it can act–but it cannot think, plan or reason. Yet we have a mind within us that can inspire, create, and bring forth the most wonderful thoughts.
A mind which can solve our most complicated problems, that can guide us through the most difficult situations if we will but trust it. This cannot be the sub-conscious mind because we have already seen that this is a blind intelligence acting only upon instruction, suggestion and animal instinct. Therefore, there must be a mind or minds other than the sub-conscious, and this I have termed, for the want of a better word, the subliminal.
The sub-conscious mind is a kind of a sleepy giant, or a slumbering volcano. It only requires arousing to cause it to manifest extraordinary power. It is a vast and wonderful intelligence, so wonderful that our consciousness cannot form any conception of its wonders. All that we know is that this wonderful center of life and action is as far above our understanding as our own consciousness is beyond the comprehension of a beetle.
Yet this sub-conscious mind of ours is subject to our will and guidance. Within us is this wondrous power–the almost infinite intelligence; yet its use and control are in our own hands. Unto us is given the ability to govern a power whose extent we cannot gauge, to direct an intelligence so great that it is impossible for us to grasp its full significance.
The sub-conscious mind is the center of all action. It is by this mind that everything that we do is accomplished. It is the personification of tireless energy. It works constantly, it never sleeps; for while WE sleep the sub-conscious mind is busily engaged in repairing and rebuilding the body. Whatever thought we allow to pass into the sub-conscious mind is translated into action. This is why a thought has been described as “an action in the process of being born.” The great lesson for you, dear reader, to learn is this, that if the sub-conscious mind translates each thought into action, then thought control is the one great transcendental fact of life. If you possess the power to control your thoughts, you have at once the power to control your actions. If you can control your actions what a life of possibility opens before you!
One of the principal causes of failure in life is due to inability to control the thoughts. Wrong thoughts each the sub-conscious mind, these are translated into wrong actions and these bring failure and disaster in their train. When the thoughts are uncontrolled, then the sub-conscious mind will act upon any thought or suggestion that may “float” in.
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a still mind
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