WHEN YOU PLAN something in advance that you hope to accomplish, you are actually creating that something in your mind. It will ultimately be just as perfected in consciousness as your past accumulated experience and acquired ability, applied to this objective, can make it.
The Creative Power within can only help materialize for you in your outer world what you have built for yourself in your inner world. Basically, you must earn through your own physical, mental and spiritual effort whatever comes to you in life. This does not mean that your accomplishments will necessarily be well balanced or proportioned.
You may possess what many term a “money sense” and operate the powers of visualization effectively in this field and yet operate very ineffectively on the plane of health, domestic relations and other vital phases of your life.
Each human has some blind spots in consciousness wherein his own mental and emotional reactions, like attracting like, are continuing to bring him wrong conditions and happenings. This can only be corrected by discovery of the cause and its removal, through elimination of the thoughts and feelings which have created it.
The God Power within always helps, when called upon, but never dictates. In seeking guidance of the God Consciousness, when you are visualizing what you desire to achieve, you must not try to force it. So many humans are so over-anxious to be led to do the right thing, to move in the right direction, to say the right thing, to see the right person, that they emotionally excite their imagination to produce ideas for them which, in their overzealous state, they mistakenly interpret as originating from the God Power within. Acting impulsively upon these self-created urges, they often come to grief and suffer a loss of faith in God and in themselves, afraid to follow what they thought had been their inner guidance from then on, feeling desperate, bewildered and alone.
Harold Morrow Sherman (1898-1987) was world renowned in the field of psychic research, and conducted experiments with such prominent persons as well-known Arctic explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins, ESP pioneer Dr. J.B. Rhine of Duke University, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, and many others. Apart from his research into mental telepathy and the mysteries of the mind, Sherman’s lifelong writing career encompassed best-selling books on a variety of subjects ranging from sports stories for boys to books on self-help and the afterlife. His first great classic was Your Key to Happiness, published in 1935 and reprinted many times since. He also wrote plays, several of which were produced on Broadway, and wrote screenplays for two Hollywood films, Are We Civilized? (1934) and The Adventures of Mark Twain (1944). For decades Sherman was a popular New Thought lecturer, and in later years hosted annual ESP workshops that drew such guests as Uri Geller, Arthur Ford, Gloria Swanson and many other big names.
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Music by Amaranth Cove
Muted Rain
Suspended belief
out of step
for a moment
infinite sustain
when we were friends
Appeased soundscape – August WIllemsson
Solarflares – Christopher Moe Ditlevsen
In dreams – hushed
All My Neville Goddard Videos In One Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo8kBZsJpp3xvkRwhbXuhg0M
Dr. Joseph Murphy Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKv1KCSKwOo_OtBhXg2s85UuZBT-OihF_
Orison Swett Marden playlist
#visualization #lawofattraction #imagination