Happy Ali – Mastering Your Intuition

Happy Ali is a Los Angeles based Author and Spiritual Life Coach. His journey in helping others began in 1995 after a near death experience that caused a dramatic spiritual awakening. Happy has devoted his entire life to the exploration and study of metaphysical disciplines including the Kabbalah and the Law of Attraction.

Each of us possesses an innate source of guidance: our power of intuition. Unfortunately, we are rarely trained to tap into this wisdom, and it’s often misunderstood. Author Happy Ali aims to change that.

Presenting insights into the inner workings of the universe, inspiring true stories, and simple experiments, Happy shows how we can all access and use this marvelous way to find clarity amid the chaos. Intuition helped Happy anticipate his own successes (and tragedies), equipping him for the joys and challenges that awaited him. The Intuition Bible presents the approach he has taught thousands of seekers, which includes:

• reasons and remedies for blockages and misinterpretations
• how to understand dreams, vibrations, chakras, and energy
• a range of techniques, including simple-yet-powerful yes/no exercises, to assist in everyday decision-making and refine personal intuition