Guided Meditation: Tuning into new potentials in the space of variations || EP 115

One of the most powerful things you can do is tune into the quantum field of the alternatives space or the space of variations. In a meditative space you can tune into potentials available to your future by meditating in this space.

The intention of this meditation is to allow you to tune into potential futures available to you and to find that future life track in the quantum field that will allow you to achieve your dreams and accomplish goals.

I tested this meditation out several times and I have had powerful experiences each time. This meditation has the potential to change your life. If done on a regular basis you will begin to activate future lifelines in the quantum field that will be come real if you experience the emotional signature of that potential life line. If you experience this while you are in the quantum field whatever you visualize will become real. It’s the law. All of your prayers will be answered, all of your wishes will come true.

#realitytransurfing #meditation #guidedmeditation

#lawofattraction #spaceofvariations #bestmeditationever

The music is mind blowing. 7 tracks by Mettaverse were used for this video.

– 111hz The Divine Frequency

– 111hz “the holy frequency”

-“solstice” revitalizing ambient music return to the light

– 639hz increase love and harmony cleanse negative energy positive meditation

– 777hz deep relaxation

– 528hz solar winds

– deep relaxation clear negative energies and ease tension 396hz and 528hz

Music by Mettaverse

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Video created by Maths Town:

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