Guided Meditation The “I Remember When” Meditation || EP 249

Neville Goddard Explains in His Lecture “I Remember When” and “Believe It In.”

You can say: “I remember when this was a glorious building and look at it now” as you become aware of rubble where once a glorious building stood. Or you can stand on rubble and say: “I remember when this was all rubble,” as you imagine a glorious

building. You can say: “I remember when my friend had nothing and now he has much,” or: “I remember when he had much and now he is so poor.” You can say: “I remember when she was healthy,” which could

imply she is now ill, or “I remember when they were unknown,” implying they are now famous.

So you see what power was in that revelation. It’s entirely up to you how you use your imagination, but the operation of your creative power is completely up to you. You make the decision, and are therefore responsible for its effect on the world.

Having nothing, you can become aware of being surrounded by wealth, and feeling wealthy you can say: “I remember when I had

nothing.” Does that statement not imply that the state of poverty no longer exists for you? I remember when I was unknown. I remember when I couldn’t sell a book. I remember when I couldn’t sell anything I wrote. I

remember when….Now you fill in the events, the desires and the fulfillments. I remember when. Do not those words imply memory?

What we are trying to do is change our beliefs. By changing our beliefs, you can use your memory.  When you remember something it has already happened so you don’t have to believe it.

This is my favorite soundtrack so far, a mindblowing combination of songs almost as if they were meant to  be.  You don’t have to do this one eyes closed I have created imagery designed to elevate your vibration, open your third eye and create a gamma state creating long periods for remembering.  I think you will love it.

The music is mindblowing.

Music By Mettaverse

Mental and Spiritual Reboot ✧ 111Hz, 222Hz, 444Hz, 888Hz ✧ Deep Healing Meditation Music

Regenerative Spiritual Reset ✧ 111Hz, 222Hz, 444Hz, 888Hz ✧ Deep Healing Meditation

111Hz ✧ Cellular Healing ✧ The “Holy Frequency”

Deep Relaxation // 777Hz // Angelic Frequency Scale

528Hz: The Frequency of Love ♥ The Musical Mathematical Matrix of Creation

528Hz ✧ The ‘Miracle’ Tone ✧ Ambient Healing Music

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