I was asked by the Quantum Healing Collective to speak and do a group meditation. The Quantum Healing Collective is a wonderful group willing to learn and grow in an organic and wonderful and open way that I was really impressed with.
We do two Meditations in this. We do a full light body activation with heart coherence and Merkaba visualization to start. I then tell my story and after a training we do an advanced for of quantum jumping which involves falling through the assemblage point similar to other meditations I have done on the channel. It was fun to do this live and with the group and they asked some questions afterward.
Quantum Healing Collective is a self-growth community whose primary purpose is to inspire and encourage one another into becoming the best version of themselves. Each meeting begins with a heart-focused breathing exercise to elevate the energy of the collective, followed by a discussion that is headed by an inspirational speaker. The speaker is different each meeting. All are welcome to join our group. The only requirement for membership is a desire to grow.
Their group meets twice a week via zoom so if anyone wants to join our collective all they have to do is join our Facebook Group or Instagram and they will see the weekly postings with the meeting info on the speaker. Additionally, anyone can email them with any questions or for more information.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/246949150039885/?ref=share
Folllowing this meditation I received this wonderful email from Kristen Johnson
This is Kristin, Kyle’s partner in the Quantum Healing Collective. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you so much for sharing your story, and gifts with our collective. You are a blessing, not just to our group but to everyone who discovers your work!
I’ve been doing your meditations nightly, and have already noticed a massive shift!!
My family opened a wellness center almost 2 years ago now ( www.quantumhw.com) and for little while there I was a bit nervous of how things were going to turn out for us after all this corona stuff – during the quantum jumping meditation I imaged us adding a juice bar where I would serve healthy, cold pressed organic juices to our community along with herbs and supplements, and teaching them the importance of nutrition for physical vitality and healing. I imagined a farm stand where people could come and pick up their produce, and connect with their local farmers, and most of all I imaged the abundance necessary to create the additions.
Today I go a letter of approval for a $38,000 loan! Everything we needed to make that vision a reality!!
So thank you so much for facilitating that opportunity to create the future!
I especially loved the merkaba meditation! Have you ever studied The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Malchizedek? I read his books back in 2012 and your meditation totally reminded me of it!
I really started this journey into higher consciousness about 12 years ago in a desperate attempt to heal from an opiate addiction, which lead me to studying Law of Attraction, which landed me in an energy medicine mystery school. Two years into the school I journeyed with the plant medicine ibogaine to heal from that opiate addiction, and not only did then spirit of Iboga reset my brain to a predicted state healing me of the addiction, it actually showed me a vision of the cover of a book I would write and the title( Heal The People) in the vision, all these people crowded around the book chanting Heal The People, Heal The People! It was wild. That was 8.5 years ago, and ever since I have been on a mission to figure out what contents would fill that book. With this pandemic opportunity, I finally finished writing it!! I would be so completely honored if when I received the final round of edits you might be willing to read it.
I am so grateful that our paths crossed. We are certainly here at such an exciting time. Its quite a blessing to align with likeminded, like hearted individuals who also would do anything in their power to awaken the collective!
Love and Above,
Kristin Johnston
I played music at the end by Mettaverse from their album Light Forms
➤ Listen on Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2KjGlLI
➤ Follow them on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2JW8BU2
➤ Join them on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2G1j7G6
➤ Subscribe to their channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvjffON2NoUvX5q_TgvVkw
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