Have you ever had the experience of feeling a sudden sense of joy? You’re walking along and you notice the beauty of the rose bush against the green of the young tree leaves and the blue of the sky. Or you’re working away at the chores and suddenly your whole being feels wholesome and happy. What’s happened?
The energy of the Creator is flowing freely through your energy body. That is what has happened.
So often we block that energy from coming through the energy pipe. We have our issues. We’re holding hard feelings against someone, or fears about life itself have eaten up our peace of mind. And so we block the flow of energy.
This energy flow can be seen to take place in a kind of energy pipe which is sometimes called the energy body or the chakra system. Picture a pipe which runs along your spine from the bottom of it to the top. Along it lies a rainbow of energy centers. The incoming energy from the Creator enters the pipe at the lowest chakra or energy center, the red ray. It proceeds upward, if the pipe is not blocked, through orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet rays, exiting the body at the crown of the head and returning to the Creator from there.
The law of one and ll research has profound information on the energy rays and energy flow and in this episode Carla Rueckert gives advice on the psychological and systemic issues behind each of the energy rays and chakras, what issues may come up and how to overcome them to allow for full energy flow.
Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space and Imagination. https://www.newearth.art/
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Music by Mettaverse
infinite within
first light
happiness frequency
calm focus
journey through the Multiverse
into the omniverse
love so vast
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