THE “call to prayer” is heard in all languages, by innumerable religions the world over. “Pray about it” is common advice to the troubled heart.
“Prayer changes things” and “the family that prays together stays together” are popular slogans stressing the importance of prayer.
But what do we mean by prayer? The word “prayer” has no absolute meaning in our day. It means one thing to the child who says, “Now I lay me down to sleep.” It means something entirely different to the person who says his “Our Fathers” unthinkingly in a monotonous drone. It means one thing to the person who sits quietly under the trees in a wordless adoration of life and nature and with a receptivity to the “still small voice” of Spirit. It means another thing to the congregation of the preacher who gives a twenty-minute prayer that is eloquent and studied, and that touches every area of human need.
A study of all the prayer practices within the Christian family of denominations is interesting and revealing. It is also a commentary on how far traditional Christianity has strayed from the teachings of Jesus. We find prayers of flattery, expecting a vain God to be moved by praise. There are prayers of pleading and supplication, for coaxing a miracle from a reluctant God.
There are prayers of vain repetition, where the asker hopes that if he prays long and loudly enough, an apparently inattentive God may hear and respond.
It is amazing that so few have really understood or paid any heed to the new technique of prayer that Jesus brought to the world. He shows that prayer is susceptible of being reduced to intelligible postulates that may be unquestionably proved in practice. He indicated that the principles of prayer are universally applicable in all places, at all times, and for all persons.
Prayer does not deal with a capricious God. It is a technique for achieving unity with God and His limitless life, substance, and intelligence.
Let’s discuss the forgotten art of prayer through the amazing words of Eric Butterworth..
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