Emmet Fox – How To Unworry || EP 951

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.  —Job 3:25  

The Book of Job is really a study in the origin of evil and in why things go wrong. Why do you have pain and sickness? Why do you have sorrows and regret? Why do you sometimes say or do things that you are terribly sorry for afterward, and then worry about how you are going to handle the situation?  

The Book of Job undertakes to answer these questions. If we understand why and how things happen, we are on the road to learning how to handle them—how to un-worry.  The Book of Job is one of the oldest parts of the Bible. It was probably written by a great Arab sheik, an understanding and spiritual person who had been asked by thoughtful people why things go wrong. He had pondered long on such questions as the origin of evil, why trouble comes to us, and how we can make wrong things right. He decided to put his ideas in the form of a play in which, under the inspiration of God, he dramatizes the things that trouble us and the way to set them right.

This is a wonderful interpretation of the book of Job through the keen mind of emmet fox the amazing new thought author who was adept at interpreting biblical meanings.  The focus is how to overcome worry or as Fox calls it= How to unworry.

Emmet Fox (1886-1951) was born in Ireland, and is a famous New Thought spiritual leader of the early 20th Century. He had a large influence on the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous. His writing, especially “The Sermon on the Mount,” became popular in AA. Fox taught that the foundation for all true productive expression was positive thinking. The technique involved having conscious awareness of our daily thought process and connectivity to God in order to realize any change or manifestation in the external environment. This concept was also taught by many mystics, including Rumi, Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, and others from across all wisdom traditions. Fox believed that the doctrine of the mental equivalent was an essential metaphysical teaching; the doctrine that you will receive that for which you provide the mental equivalent.

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Vandring – Storm

Appeased soundscape 7 – August Willhelmsson

balance – amaranth cove

appeased soundscape 11 – August willhelmsson

epic panorama – august willhelmsoon

sydney – luwaks

stay near – luwaks

a place to hide 0  cerulean skies

all a beautiful blur – trevor kowalski

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