Emmanuel Dagher On Prosperity And Presence || EP 1178

There’s a new generation of voices that are helping to raise the consciousness of humanity. Emmanuel Dagher has become widely recognized as one of these new leading voices when it comes to all things mind, body, and Spirit.

As a multi-bestselling author, teacher, and founder of the healing technology The Core Work Method©, Emmanuel’s message of healing, personal transformation and love is resonating deeply within the heart and mind of those who are on a path to self-realization.

Emmanuel has quickly gained recognition on the world stage for his unique healing gifts, wisdom, and humanitarian efforts on behalf of refugee women and children.

This journey has lead him to help tens of thousands of people so far from all walks of life around the world to create a life of joy, freedom, fulfillment, and well-being.

Emmanuel’s soul-based desire and mission—to elevate the consciousness of the planet—was ignited early on. Having experienced the challenges of growing up in the war-torn country of Lebanon during the Lebanese civil war, Emmanuel experience and saw things that no human being should ever have to experience.

Emmanuel saw beyond his immediate surroundings, and had a strong connection to the Divine very early on. This connection gifted Emmanuel with an extraordinary ability to embody compassion and gifts that heal others.

Emmanuel echoes my belief that prosperity and success are an expansion of happiness. – Deepak Chopra

Emmanuel helps you redefine your relationship with money and will catapult you towards a more prosperous, joyful life. – JACK CANFIELD

Emmanuel Dagher is one of the kindest and gentlest souls who walks this planet. He is someone who really walks his talk, and I frequently recommend his work to people, especially to those who need help in shifting from a scarcity paradigm to an abundant one! – ANITA MOORJANI

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#prosperity #meditation #presence