Edgar Cayce What We Think We Become || EP 555

“What one thinks continually, they become; what one cherishes in their heart and mind they make a part of the pulsation of their heart, through their own blood cells, and build in their own physical, that which its spirit and soul must feed upon, and that with which it will be possessed, when it passes into the realm for which the other experiences of what it has gained here in the physical plane, must be used.”  Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (/ˈkeɪsiː/; 18 March 1877 – 3 January 1945) was an American clairvoyant who claimed, uniquely, to channel his own higher self. Cayce’s channeling sessions happened in a trance state that he would induce with help from his friend Al Layne or his wife until later in life, when he became accustomed enough to do so on his own. During these sessions, Cayce would answer questions on subjects as varied as healing, reincarnation, dreams, the afterlife, past-life, nutrition, Atlantis and future events. As a devout Christian and Sunday school teacher, his channelling claims were a source of trouble for him because channelling was typically criticized by practitioners of his faith as being demonic. Cayce, in contrast, believed that it was his subconscious mind exploring the dream realm, where he believed minds were timelessly connected. Cayce founded a nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, to store and facilitate the study of his channelings, as well as run a hospital. A biographer gave him the nickname The Sleeping Prophet.

Some consider him the true founder and a principal source of the most characteristic beliefs of the New Age movement.

Until September 1923, his readings were not systematically recorded or preserved. However, an article published in the Birmingham Post-Herald on October 10, 1922, quotes Cayce as saying that he had given 8,056 readings as of that date and it is known that he gave approximately 13,000–14,000 readings after that date. A total of 14,306 are available at the A.R.E. Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach and on an online, member-only section along with background information, correspondence, and follow-up documentation.

Other abilities that have been attributed to Cayce include astral projection, prophesying, mediumship, viewing the Akashic records or “Book of Life”, and seeing auras. Cayce said he became interested in learning more about these subjects after he was informed about the content of his readings, which he reported that he never actually heard himself.

Music By Mettaverse

Calming Piano Music For Stress Relief 432hz

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