I have dedicated several podcasts to the law of one as well as Edgar Cayce. Edgar Cayce known as the sleeping prophet was able to access what he called the hall of records or the akashic record, a place in which everything that ever happened on earth is recorded.
The Law of One, also known as the The Ra Material, is a series of five philosophical monographs published between 1982 and 1998 by Schiffer Books.
The books purportedly were authored by a non-human intelligence named Ra through the process of channeling, in which Don Elkins acted as the questioner, Jim McCarty as the scribe and Carla L. Rueckert as the channel for Ra.[1] The 5 book series presents both commentary and full transcripts of the dialogue between the questioner and Ra, who is described as an entity composed of an entire civilization of extraterrestrial beings that are fused into one unified consciousness.
I was shocked after further research that Cayce repeatedly referred to the law of one. In particular he referred to the children of the law of one who opposed the children of Belial. Cayce mentions the law of one more than 2000 times in his readings from the Akashic Record.
In the law of one Ra states that they originally tried to teach the law of one in Egypt but left after their teachings were distorted.
The books purportedly were authored by a non-human intelligence named Ra through the process of channeling, in which Don Elkins acted as the questioner, Jim McCarty as the scribe and Carla L. Rueckert as the channel for Ra.[1] The 5 book series presents both commentary and full transcripts of the dialogue between the questioner and Ra, who is described as an entity composed of an entire civilization of extraterrestrial beings that are fused into one unified consciousness.
In the Cayce material he mentioned an author who would bring powerful information into our spiritual understanding call Jon Peniel.
Well it turns out the Jon Peniel wrote a book about the children of the law of one.
Here I read some of he readings Cayce gave regarding the law of one and I also read some of Jon Peniels work on the children of the law one.
Your concept and understanding of the law of one will change forever with this mindblowing information.
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