Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Secret Meaning Of Christmas

The Christmas story and the Santa Claus of the ancients have points of psychological similarity and significance. Both point to the inner Reality in all of us. Children should never be disillusioned regarding the reality of Santa Claus, which one day will be translated into this Divine-Self awaiting recognition in life and life’s purpose.

The symbols of the child, the mother, the star, the manger, etc., antedate all known religions. They symbolize processes of spiritual awareness, rebirth and inner transformation.

Joseph represents your conscious, reasoning mind with its superficial beliefs, opinions, creeds, dogmas, traditions, thoughts and fears— the five-sense man who judges according to appearances. Joseph also means imagination and the autocratic intellect.

Mary represents the subconscious mind, full of wisdom and intelligence, the seat of intuition, memory and emotion. Within your subconscious is the I AM, the Higher Self, sometimes referred to as the Superconscious. Mary is with child of the Holy Ghost (the Holy Spirit, the Presence of God), and Joseph is instructed to keep away, which means that your conscious mind is not to impregnate and browbeat your subconscious with its false sense-knowledge. Joseph is the guardian of the threshold and is to see to it that nothing enters into the subconscious that does not fill the soul with joy.


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