Welcome to our first ever sleep story for the channel. You can of course listen to this at anytime, but this is designed to listen to prior to sleep. Sometimes the best thing prior to sleep is a story.
This is a story originally titled:
The Imitation Of The Earth By James Stamers
You can read the full story here https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51682/51682-h/51682-h.htm
He was in some dark, moving medium which pressed him gently and released him and pressed against him again with irregular rhythm. He could not feel his hands. He could not feel any part of his body, except a sort of itching in his calf.
He thrust downward to relieve this mild irritation and, surprisingly, seemed to rise up. He seemed to be alive. He had no idea where, or even when, or whether these were valid questions, for the ship had been entering hyper-spacetime when they hit the asteroid belt. Warps and elongations took place in hyper-spacetime. Perhaps he was now a hyper-spaceman.
He could recall his name. It was John Shepherd. He could remember objective events such as Doctor Adelitka Wynn creating a scene in the Mars terminal bar. Her sociology was better than her sense, as she accused him of making a pass at her. He would have liked to, perhaps, but ship’s etiquette said: “Crews date, captains wait, space is not the place.” He and she had been the last alive, and the last image he had seen on the screen had been a sun. Whose sun, which sun, and where were just uninformed speculations. But he was alive and conscious of himself. And he was buried deep in something…..
The Secret Of The Trees
Intro 00:00
Sleep Relaxation 00:37
Story: Imitation Of Earth By James Stamers 05:10
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