Creating Reality From Your Higher Self

Everything you experience – every interaction, every circumstance, every moment of joy or challenge – is not just happening to you, but is in fact an extension of you. That the universe you perceive is a reflection of your consciousness, filtered through the lens of your unique perspective.

This is about recognizing your role as the creator of your experience of reality. It’s about understanding that your perceptions, beliefs, and choices actively shape the world you inhabit.

Who exactly is doing the creating? Which aspect of yourself has been crafting your reality all this time?

The ego is the part of you that you’re most familiar with – it’s your everyday conscious mind, your sense of individual identity. It’s the voice in your head that says “I want this” or “I don’t like that.” The ego is concerned with your immediate desires, fears, and survival needs.

On the other hand, the higher self is a deeper, more expansive aspect of your consciousness. It’s sometimes referred to as your soul, your spirit, or your true self. This part of you is connected to the broader universe and has a perspective that goes beyond your immediate circumstances.

So, which of these has been creating your reality? The answer might surprise you – it’s both, but in different ways and often with different agendas.

Your ego has been actively shaping your reality through your conscious choices, beliefs, and actions. When you set a goal and work towards it, that’s your ego in action. When you react to a situation based on your fears or desires, that’s also your ego influencing your reality.

But your higher self has also been at work, often in more subtle ways. Those moments of intuition, unexpected synchronicities, or deep inner knowing – these are often attributed to the influence of your higher self. It’s been guiding you towards experiences that contribute to your overall growth and evolution, even if they don’t always align with your ego’s immediate desires.

I have discovered that is is essential to understand the role of the higher self in reality creation. It protects you, it guides you and when you fully unify and become one with your higher self you truly begin to create reality in a much more meaningful and powerful way.