Channels, Channeling And How To Channel || EP 420

Have you ever wondered if channeling is real?  How does it work?  Going all the way back to the bible people have claimed to channel spirits and angels and entities.  We have so many different examples of people channeling now like Abraham Hicks, Bashar, and Paul Selig.  Can we trust channelers or are they deceiving us? How does it work?  

The practice of channeling — a person’s body being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of communication — has been around for millennia. There are countless stories of shamen, witch doctors, prophets and others who claim to hear voices or receive some supernatural knowledge from the spirit world. Channelers, also sometimes known as psychic mediums, often use what are called “spirit guides,” friendly spirits who give them knowledge and help them on their spiritual journeys.

Channeling is the belief that a person’s body has being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of imparting wisdom.

Channeling is the belief that a person’s body has being taken over by a spirit for the purpose of imparting wisdom. (Image credit: Sergey Nivens Shutterstock)

According to Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer, authors of “Opening to Channel: How to Connect With Your Guide,” “channeling is a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation. As you channel you build a bridge to the higher realms — a loving, caring, purposeful collective higher consciousness that has been called God, the All-that-Is, or the Universal Mind…. Channeling involves consciously shifting your mind and mental space in order to achieve an expanded state of consciousness.”

To achieve this expanded state of consciousness, channelers usually meditate, trying to break free of worldly influences and tune in to a higher consciousness. They may imagine themselves seeking out specific spirits of the dead, or they may be contacted, apparently unbidden, by some unknown force that wishes to communicate.

While most people channel to seek inner wisdom, entire books have been written, supposedly by ancient spirits channeled through modern mediums. In fact there are hundreds of such books, many of which can be found in New Age sections of bookstores and libraries around the world. The most famous American writer-channeler was Jane Roberts, who claimed to channel an ancient and wise entity named Seth. For her 1972 best-seller “Seth Speaks,” as well as several popular sequels, Roberts, as Seth, dictated esoteric information to her husband about the soul, the nature of consciousness, spiritual truths, higher planes of reality, and so on.

Since the 1980s, New Age mystic J.Z. Knight has claimed to channel Ramtha (also known as “The Enlightened One,”) a 35,000-year-old warrior spirit who described, among other things, being born on the (fictional) continent of Atlantis. Knight became a multi-millionaire writing books and offering seminars and DVDs teaching the wisdom imparted to her by Ramtha. Another prominent channeler in the 1980s and 1990s was actress Shirley MacLaine, who wrote a best-selling book and a popular television miniseries on the subject.

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