This is a breakdown, analysis and review of the concepts of the amazing book Becoming Like God By Michael Berg Berg argues that we inhabit a prison—a strange sort of prison, to be sure, because most inmates don’t even realize we’re behind bars. We’re even conditioned to scoff at the notion that there might actually […]
Category Archives: Videos and related media
“We stand before you today in preparation for your work, for your capability and great capacity to be re-known, to be rendered anew. Each of you here has chosen, at one level or another, that the lives you have lived may be altered, re-known, sung in a higher tone, a higher key. Each of you […]
The inner attitude of expectancy and the outer results always match each other exactly. Expectancy in our minds is the cause of everything that happens in our lives—both good and bad. How many times do we say, “I knew that would happen!” when something disastrous befalls us? And when something good happens, how often do […]
Neville Goddard Christmas 12/17?1965 We have now done 4 Christmas episodes from different lectures. This may be one of the best of Neville’s Christmas lectures “This being the last and Christmas follows within a week, I thought it best to give this as the last of the year. So my subject tonight is “Christmas,” as […]
One fascinating concept explained in the ra material is the dual activated body. Most of us have 3rd density bodies, but many have dual activated bodies with potential of a 4th density body at the same time. This seems a little confusing. More and more people are born with the dual activated body every day […]
This meditation is based on a new very subtle technique that works powerfully with your subconscious Bring your affirmations to life! One of the powerful tools to activate the Law of Attraction is Affirmations. Not all Affirmations are created equal. If you say an affirmation and a portion of your consciousness tells yourself this is […]
Recently in the media there has been a sudden explosion of discussion about Judaism and antisemitism in particular. I realize that my knowledge of Judaism is rather limited. It what was most assuredly divine timing I got a chance to speak to Rabbi Rami Shapiro. He is genuinely amazing. He is a genius and I […]
Personally I find Napoleon Hill’s The Law Of Success as good or better than the classic Think And Grow Rich. Here we discuss the 11th lesson in The Law Of Success By Napoleon Hill, this lesson is on Accurate thought. Hill teaching the laws of success and prosperity. Hill explains that: This is at […]
Success has a rhythm. It touches each one of us in intervals of time. There is a tide in the affairs of men. One of the first requisites in learning to think rich is to be an outstanding expert in something. Resolve with great will to learn all there is to know about the […]
Recently I read a lecture title You Must Experience God stating that it was most likely the last lecture Neville Goddard gave. New information from Mitch Horowitz argues that in fact the lecture God And I Are One is the final lecture due to references made in the lecture that can be dated. Really this […]