Category Archives: Videos and related media

Escaping The Money Matrix Activation

You’ve sensed it all along. That subtle feeling that something isn’t quite right with the way money flows – or doesn’t flow – in your life. Those moments when abundance feels just out of reach, no matter how hard you work or how much you learn. This isn’t your imagination. It’s not your fault. And […]

The Arcturian Council – Are You Prepared For The shift

We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort […]

Guided Meditation – Reconnecting To Your Soul 432hz

I want to help you heal your soul so I create this guided meditation to facilitate a deep, authentic re-connection with your soul. The 3D world plays an active part in disconnecting you from the powerful wisdom of your soul. This journey uses the powerful imagery of a house with many rooms and a mystical […]

The Creators – Operating As Source

Start out with the assumption that you are a being of Divine Love and Light. Then proceed from there. This assumption can be made no matter what the situation you are faced with. It is not something to pull out of your bag of tricks only when you feel that it is absolutely necessary to […]

Daniel Scranton Channeling Archangel Michael

Daniel Scranton is back and this time he channels the Archangel Michael and discusses his new book Channeling Archangel Michael: The Seven Signs of Humanity’s Ascension. Daniel Scranton is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher, and sound healer. He has been channeling the 12th-dimensional, non-physical collective known as The Creators since the Fall of 2010. Since […]

11 Amazing Books To Help You Manifest Money

Imagine having access to the greatest minds in wealth creation throughout history – sitting down for a personal conversation with a self-made billionaire, receiving guidance from spiritual masters of abundance, or learning time-tested financial strategies from legendary investors. What would that kind of mentorship be worth? The truth is, you already have access to this […]

Attracting A Soul Mate

As you awaken your heart centers and practice soul love, you may want to draw new friends and loved ones into your life who are responsive to your love, and who can match your new level of love. You may want to have people in your life with whom you are deeply connected, share a […]

Money Momentum Activation

Have you ever noticed that perfect moment when everything just flows? It’s fascinating how life works that way. You’re walking down the street, and suddenly everything aligns – the lights turn green just as you approach, people naturally part to let you through, and even your favorite song starts playing from a passing car. That’s […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Place In The Great Awakening

It is the fortune of humanity to be sitting where you are at this time. It is very fortunate that you have arrived where you are, because you could have taken a much different approach to shifting your consciousness. The position that you are in now is one where you can usher in the golden […]

Manly P Hall – The Mystery Of The Apocalypse

Subjected to more criticism than any other book now incorporated in the New Testament, the Apocalypse — popularly accredited to St. John the Divine — is by far the most important but least understood of the Gnostic Christian writings. Though Justin Martyr declared the Book of Revelation to have been written by “John, one of […]