Category Archives: Q’UO

Q’uo – On Kindness

February 21, 2024 This very recent channeling addresses a fascinating discussion in the ra material of the general bias of the logs of our solar system being toward kindness and how that effects life in the third density. Ra says: “Within the experiential nexus of each entity within its second density environment, and within the […]

Q’uo – From Lack To Abundance

anuary 27, 2024 Topics: Dealing with negativity in one’s life path; spiritual practices for mental wellness; maintaining connection to source energy; spiritual practices and sharing in love; usefulness of sacred plant medicine; abundance and healing beliefs of lack; limiting beliefs and the true nature of self; negative attachments; spiritual protection and self-love; self-reliance vs. support […]

Q’uo – On Fixing The Grid

The question today has to do with the grid of our planet as we are moving from third into fourth density. We are assuming that there are points on this grid that are in need of some attention, some sort of focusing energy which we would like to be able to do, in our meditative […]

Q’uo – On Worry

We would like to know more about worry and fear in their relation to faith. Can one create faith, or must one wait for a gift of faith, like grace? Does worry or fear ever help us by giving us the motivation to protect ourselves from injury? We are those of Q’uo. Greetings in the […]

Q’uo – Dealing With Anger

he question we will deal with this morning has to do with anger. Where does anger come from? How can we use it and how can we heal from it? There is a feeling of being out of control that people who are sensitive to other people’s feelings fear. There’s the fear of the injury […]

Q’uo Being In The Moment

December 29 2007 The question this week has to do with being in the moment. We’re wondering if Q’uo could give us some information about some of the obstacles there are towards keeping us from being in the moment. Our daily lives seem to be full of things that keep us from being in the […]

Q’uo – On Ending Committed Relationships

What do you say to people who are considering a divorce, ending a commitment? Q’uo I am Q’uo. I come in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator, and because we speak through this instrument, we say to this group alone, we do come in the name of Christ, for it is […]

Guided Meditation – Connecting To The Energies Of Q’uo (432hz 528hz 636hz 969hz)

I have been meditating with Q’uo for a while and it is a mindblowing experience. You can tangibly feel their presence. They deepen your meditative experience, they heal, they teach, the offer love, they offer light. Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research. The energies of Q’uo await […]

Q’uo The End Of Third Density

November 11, 2023 Topics: Speed bumps when you think you’re making progress; the temptation of pride; other-selves’ envy; working a traditional job while on the spiritual path; killing; third-density entities and the transition to fourth-density; deer hunting; the fifth dimension; empowering others to see the Creator within themselves; the origin of the Moon; Earth’s journey […]