Category Archives: Podcasts

Liz Larson – Create Miracles With Cognomovement || EP 1278

Cognomovement is a  Cognitive Movement Exercise System that is designed for the quick and powerful change of chronic problems and patterns. This system is useful for a wide range of problems that people experience daily including cravings, habits, cycling thought patterns, stress, relationship issues, low energy and moods as well as many issues that we […]

Maxwell Maltz – Dehypnotize Yourself Of False Beliefs || EP 1277

Within you, whoever you may be, regardless of how big a failure you may think yourself to be, is the ability and the power to do whatever you need to do to be happy and successful. Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to […]

Earl Shoaff – 16 Lessons On How To Get What You Want (963hz) || EP 1276

There is an infinite abundance in this universe. Not only is there an infinite abundance of happiness, faith, love, courage, joy, humility, wisdom, generosity, peace, gentleness, meekness, patience, kindness, and all such qualities one could ever desire to express habitually, but there is an infinite abundance of every material thing that one could ever desire […]

Neville Goddard By Water And Blood || EP 1275

My subject this morning is taken from the First Epistle of John. Now these twenty-one letters (or as we call them, epistles) are not really addressed to individuals or groups. They are mysteries, as is the entire Bible. Whether the Bible in the Old Testament tells the story in the form of history, or whether […]

Q’uo – On Indigo Children || EP 1274

Q’uo talks about a variety of amazing topics, in particular on the indigo children phenomenon Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research. For more on Q’uo check out Music Epidemic Sound and Mettaverse Music 🌎 Connect with Mettavers Web Shop: Instagram: Insight Timer: Ko-fi: […]

Guided Meditation – Journey To The Infinite Library || EP 1273

Let me take you on a journey to the infinite library at the edges of outer space. In this library all is revealed. All the details of your life. Possible futures, all knowledge is available, all questions answered. Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through Flow Art and Voyages Through Space […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – Your Friend The Subconscious || EP 1272

Your subconscious is your friend. It seeks to heal you, to restore you. If someone is presenting you with a phony deal, there’s something within you that warns you. That’s your subconscious mind prompting you. Its intimations, urgings, promptings, murmurings are always lifeward. It seeks to heal you if you cut yourself. If you burn […]

Leah Rush And Kyle Boyd On Heart Coherence And Manifestation || EP 1271

Leah Rush and Kyle Boyd are amazing coaches teaching heart coherence everywhere they go. Kyle and Leah started the heart coherence collaborative and have inspired and supported this channel from the start. I have learned so much from them about the science of heart coherence and how to use it to empower my manifestations.   […]

Shifting Your Identity To Create The Future You Desire || EP 1270

You can create the most fantastic future by shifting your identity Your capability is constant, but how much of it you use depends upon the identity you have for yourself. You can do anything As we develop new beliefs about who we are, our behavior will change to support the new identity. There is no […]

Neville Goddard – Justified States || EP 1269

Justified States   April 3, 1972 Neville Goddard Tonight, we will take both the Law and the Promise. Just a little while on the Promise, that you may not be concerned. For I do know that so many people tell us that we must do this, that, and the other, or else. Well, you forget […]