Have you ever wondered why some people seem to attract wealth effortlessly while others struggle despite their best efforts? The answer lies not in external circumstances, but in a profound truth that has transformed countless lives: You are the master architect of your own prosperity. Right now, you might be thinking, “If I create my […]
Category Archives: Podcasts
In this video I dive into something that has completely transformed my life – quantum jumping. And I’m not talking about theoretical physics or abstract concepts. I’m talking about a real technique that you can use to literally shift your consciousness into parallel realities. I know this might sound wild if you’re new here, but […]
“By now, you understand the true nature of your being. You are aware and you are awake. And in some ways, there is nothing left to do. There is nothing that you must achieve. There is no series of steps that you must perform. We want you to give yourselves credit for having woken up […]
This is a collection of channelings that are dedicated to a variety of subjects primarily focused on ascension and reality creation. “There is a certain amount of ecstasy that can be achieved with the simple act of breathing. Breathing is something that you do involuntarily most of your lives, and it is a necessary function […]
You are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, and plenty in your world. Prayer can help you experience peace, health, and plenty, because prayer is man’s steady effort to know God, and God is the source of all man’s good. Thus, in prayer man makes common union with God and His […]
Have you ever felt a deep yearning to connect with something greater than yourself? A desire to tap into the infinite wisdom, love, and abundance of the Universe? If so, you are not alone. Within each of us lies a sacred spark of the Divine, waiting to be ignited and expressed in all its radiant […]
The Christmas story and the Santa Claus of the ancients have points of psychological similarity and significance. Both point to the inner Reality in all of us. Children should never be disillusioned regarding the reality of Santa Claus, which one day will be translated into this Divine-Self awaiting recognition in life and life’s purpose. The […]
You’ve sensed it all along. That subtle feeling that something isn’t quite right with the way money flows – or doesn’t flow – in your life. Those moments when abundance feels just out of reach, no matter how hard you work or how much you learn. This isn’t your imagination. It’s not your fault. And […]
We have finished our evaluation of the human collective consciousness and its ability to handle higher frequency energies. Here is what we have discovered. Not everyone responds in the same way to higher frequency energy. Those who are unprepared for it completely have quite a few ascension symptoms and can sometimes even experience a sort […]
I want to help you heal your soul so I create this guided meditation to facilitate a deep, authentic re-connection with your soul. The 3D world plays an active part in disconnecting you from the powerful wisdom of your soul. This journey uses the powerful imagery of a house with many rooms and a mystical […]