Category Archives: Podcasts

The Quest Everlasting; Launcelot And Guinevere Cycle By T Howard Wilson (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 270

Neville Goddard highly recommends this book in his lecture Life is for Acting he states: Well, a lady gave me a book last week. You know, people seldom read a book given to them? If I read the book that I buy, I will pay a nickel for it. I’ve paid $100 for a book. […]

Neville Goddard Story Telling and Picture Taking || EP 269

Law/Story Telling/Picture Taking 2/16/65 Neville Goddard Neville. The Wonder Working Power of Imagination: 1965 Lectures . Trafford Publishing. Kindle Edition. If you could now think of your Imagination as the most sensitive instrument in the world, and compare it, say, to a piano; you can’t conceive of a tone or a combination of tones that […]

Using Reality Creation To Overcome Addiction || EP 267

Do you want to have fun and be naturally inspired and passionate about life without always feeling like you have to drink to be happy and fit in? • Are you concerned about the effects of your addiction on your finances, family, relationships, health, weight, and/or career? Do you have legal problems as a result […]

Neville Goddard The Law || EP 266

Neville Goddard The Law 2/12/1965 Imagining creates reality. So what you imagine with faith—and if you remain as faithful to the imaginal act as God has and is remaining to his promise to you to make you himself—nothing is impossible. Music By Mettaverse A Still Mind 432hz using a restless mind Journey through the mulitverse […]

Guided Meditation: The Financial Abundance Meditation (With 300+ Affirmations and Subliminals ) || EP 265

This is the Financial Abundance Meditation. It Starts at 2:25 You can do it short and not include the affirmations which begin at 33:43 and continue through the rest of this meditation. The beginining is designed with 30 minutes to get you into that state of wealth and abundance.   The whole vast world is within […]

Neville Goddard Time To Act || EP 264

Neville Goddard Time To Act 2/1/66 Tonight’s title is “Time to Act.” You’ll find this a very practical evening and yet it is based upon a mystical experience. If God has spoken, what in the world is more important than to listen to what he’s said and what he’s telling you? But first, let me […]

Neville Goddard Leaving Permanently || EP 263

I’ve been thinking through the day, rather days, what should I say were I leaving permanently? What would I like everyone to remember? Well, these are my thoughts to leave with you things I’ve told you over the years. It is God’s purpose to give himself to all of us, to each of us, as […]

Neville Goddard Life Is For Acting ||EP 262

Life really is for acting. Time to act! “God only acts and is in existing beings or men” (Blake). God is not some passive spectator observing the great passage of life. He is the supreme actor. Now, to play a part an actor must to some extent feel the part and imagine himself as the […]

Neville Goddard All Is Within Q A Sessions from 1970 || EP 261

This is a rare set of Q and A sessions that I found from a set of Lectures given by Neville in 1970. Somewhat different than a standard lecture but here you see Neville’s wonderful ability to think on his feet. Many interestings topics are discussed with Neville’s genuine personality and spur of the moment […]

Guided Meditation: Opening The Third Eye Chakra || EP 260

From the dawning of ages, darkness and light have intertwined to bring us one of the greatest gifts of consciousness – the ability to see. To witness the wonders of the universe, whether light-years away in the twinkling dome of stars, or the blossoming of flowers in your backyard. What if I told you that, […]