Category Archives: Podcasts

Multidimensional Consciousness And The New Earth || EP 727

The cyclic nature of events occurring on Earth is tied to the dimensional state of consciousness as described by Ra. The spirit called Ra is a “Social Memory Complex who evolved through the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional states of consciousness on the planet Venus. Ra is currently in a sixth-dimensional state of consciousness. He advises […]

The Thank You Meditation || EP 726

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotional signatures,  and when you radiate gratitude into the quantum field – miracles always occur.   In the Gratitude Prescription, Will Pye states, “Consider for a moment the possibility, however ludicrous it may seem, that everything that has ever happened, is happening, or will ever happen is but […]

Q’uo On Energy And Convergence || EP 725

Quo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions.   This information is mindblowing. Here we discuss a host of topics including energy and convergence and more. For more on q’uo check out BUY MY BOOK! Listen my book on […]

Interview with Anita Moorjani On The Secret Power Of The Empath And Finding Heaven On Earth || EP 724

If the doctors had been right, Anita Moorjani would not be alive today. Now an international speaker and New York Times best-selling author, Anita had been given mere hours to live by her doctors on the morning of February 2, 2006. Unable to move and in a deep coma caused by the cancer that had […]

Anthony Norvell 16 Steps To Achieving Your Life’s Goals || EP 723

Throughout history there have been great and illumined souls who have been able to use the power of their higher minds to perform seeming miracles. These men and women used a Cosmic Force which is in the universe and which anyone may use, when he once learns how to focus this higher power within his […]

Dr Frank B Robinson Psychiana Lesson 6 Science Over Superstition || EP 722

 Dear friend and fellow-student:    It was the commonly accepted fact amongst the ancient thinkers and philosophers, that everything in existence had been developed from a beginning which was quite primitive. Through all their writings we find this thought prominent. St. Augustine, one of the greatest of all the “church fathers,” held this same view. […]

Neville Goddard You Can Forgive Sin || EP 721

You Can Forgive SIn Neville Goddard March 29, 1963 You can forgive sin. That to most people will be blasphemy, as you will hear later on, quoting from scripture. It is so common among all of us to ascribe our ills and our troubles to outward things, like the present conditions of the world, to […]

Wells Of Abundance The 7 Planes Of Supply And The Law Of Increase by E V Ingraham (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 720

What is prosperity? Is it solely experienced on a physical level when you are surrounded by symbols of wealth and riches? Or is it a peaceful state of mind without any worries, illness, or stress? One thing is for sure . . . there is an unlimited supply for anyone willing to understand the principles […]

Guided Meditation The Black Hole Big Bang Meditation || EP 719

The most powerful creative force in the universe came right at the beginning when the universes exploded into existence. The energy and force of this powerful moment transformed the universe from the size of a pea to what we have today. This energy was so powerful it birthed planets, stars, and galaxies. What if you […]

Charles Webster Leadbeater The Chakras And The Serpent Fire || EP 718

Chakra (Sanskrit, “wheel”) refers to the ancient Hindu concept of seven vortices of energy located on the spine from the tailbone to the crown of the head. These centers define the physical and spiritual contact points in the human body. In yoga they are bridges to higher consciousness symbolizing the journey from the material world […]