Here we talk about accessing and experiencing other realities. In the past I have discussed my experience in accessing alternate realities. Here I go into this further looking at the history of experiencing other realities. We look at the history of the magical experience and how it developed in myths, religious beliefs and indigenous cultures. […]
Category Archives: Meditation
Speaking from Experience 5/8/64 Tonight’s subject is “Speaking from Experience.” There’s a conversation that takes place in the Book of John between Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin, and Jesus. It’s the 3rd chapter, and he said to Nicodemus, “We speak of what we know and bear witness to what we see, but you do […]
We greet you once again in love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator that moves within each heart and within each creation. We thank you for the gift of your calling to us, for it is in serving entities such as you that we are able to work towards our own progression, […]
There is a vast galactic internet beyond the akashic record shared by all the stars. Here information is relayed about the system of every star in the universe. Through a sunspot I take you into the center of the sun and connect you to this galactic internet. Here you will receive the most amazing downloads. […]
This was made you, for you. I do not know you – or do I? We are linked by the mere fact of your opening this book. And because, on the deeper, higher, grander level, we are all parts of one stupendous Whole, an awakening being, called Humanity. Through us both pulsates the flow of […]
Emerson said, “There is one mind common to all individual men. Every man is an inlet to the same and to all of the same. He that is once admitted to the right of reason is made a freeman of the whole estate. What Plato has taught, he may think; what a saint has felt, […]
Ruth Montgomery was one of the worlds most respected authors In her book The World Before she tells the extraordinary story of the advent of human life. One of the chapters is called on those biblical angels. Momtgomery would channel her guides and a friend she knew while alive named Arthur Ford. If you ever […]
Dear friend and student: This l7th Lesson deals with the most stupendous problem we have to face. That problem is life itself. In life itself will be found the answer to the problem of life. This Lesson is designed to show you how there may be a fullness of perfect supply, for it is […]
The Clever Rascal: The Unjust Steward 5/5/64 Neville Goddard Tonight’s subject is “The Clever Rascal.” This is taken from the 16th chapter of the Book of Luke. There’s a story told there of an unjust steward. There’s a very rich man who had a steward and charges were brought against the steward that he was […]
Q’uo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions. Here Q’uo discusses creativity and sprituality The greatest creative urges come from that passion and fire felt within things that must be understood, things that are longed for. It is a passion […]