Category Archives: Meditation

Q’uo – The Evolving Personality || EP 845

The question that you ask this day seems to contain a paradox. This means that the questioner is on the right track, for the spiritual quest has as its signal virtue continual paradox. In this case, the paradox is “How does one be oneself while one is becoming oneself? How does one be, yet be […]

Guided Meditation Manifesting Your Dreams And Desires || EP 844

This meditation is designed to create the life you wish to have and surrender your creation to the Infinite Intelligence.  Allow space for relaxation and ease while the universe takes care of it for you. Welcome to the reality revolution Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the […]

Robert Collier Manifest Anything Easily Using The Treasure Mapping Technique || EP 843

Collier presents several examples which are termed “Treasure Mapping.” The premise is simple, to create a map on a large piece of paper with words and pictures detailing every last item of an individual’s Dream, or true Desire. Including as much detail as possible is highly desirable. You can have anything you want if you […]

Orfeo M Angelucci Travelling In A Disk From Another World || EP 842

“At that moment, as in a dream, I heard the strains of the “Lord’s Prayer”, played as though by thousands of violins. As I crouched in the chair fresh tears poured from my eyes. My heart was filled with humility, contrition and with gratitude—gratitude that these Great Ones had even considered our miserable selfish existence. […]

Breaking Out Of Self Punishing Patterns || EP 841

Do you experience a recurring negative cycle?  Do you find that you have a part of yourself that secretly punishes yourself. Most of us prisoners of painful patterns.   The only way to break the pattern of self punishing patterns is bringing light to these patterns. There is no need for you to suffer. Alternate […]

Reese P. Dubin – Your Psychic Tele-Viewer How To See Beyond Walls And At Great Distances || EP 840

Listen for yourself to the claims in the book Telecult power from the book jacket itself! Telecult Power is a method you can use to bring about any goal you have – whether it be for wealth, love, or power – quickly, easily, by unobserved means. Telecult Power means, literally, hidden distance power! What Telecult […]

Neville Goddard The Cabala || EP 839

The Cabala Neville Goddard 1/15/1965 “This past Wednesday I had occasion to go to an old Bible of mine and there I found two letters of my friend old Abdullah. I had long forgotten them, for they were given to me back in 1930 or ’31. They are now molding and falling apart. They were […]

Q’uo – How Do We Create Our Reality? || EP 838

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, whose service we share with you. We thank you for forming a circle of seeking on this snowy day. It is a blessing to us to respond to […]

Guided Meditation Galactic Heart Coherence || EP 837

According To Q’uo the center of the open heart is the center of the galaxy. In this powerful short meditation we do a heart coherence technique and then go beyond finding coherence with our solar system and galaxy. This is a powerful technique that opens a new way to utilize heart coherence. Welcome to the […]

Opening The Minds Eye – Visualization Techniques || EP 836

Many people struggle with visualization.  Many people just see fuzzy images and really cannot create visualizations of things they want.  Many are unable to create even simple objects in their mind. This may be one of the reasons many are unable to manifest what they want. This episode goes deep on visualization.  We try to […]