Category Archives: Meditation

Neville Goddard Consigned To Disobedience || EP 448

Neville Goddard Lecture – Consigned To Disobedience . . 04-23-1971 Paul asked the question, “who are you, to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own Master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand.” Now that whole drama takes […]

Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness || EP 447

Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness “To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or “gears,” or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in […]

Guided Meditation Enter The Slipstream || EP 446

We exist within slipstreams of different thoughts. The purpose of this meditation is to allow you enter the slipstream of different thought currents You are not thinking your thoughts you are entering into thought currents. Your thoughts are similar to other thoughts. Here we use meditation to control these thought currents. You tune into the slipstream […]

Prentice Mulford – Thought Currents || EP 445

“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting, living, moving force… it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean.” ― Prentice Mulford We need to be careful of what we think and talk. Because thought runs in currents as real as […]

On The Heights by Christan D Larson (Unabridged audiobook with commentary) || EP 444

On The Heights by Christan D Larson When  we  transcend the world of  things and begin to live on the borderland of the  splendor and immensity of the cosmic world, we  discover  that  the  vision  of  the  soul  was  true. Those  lofty  realms  that  we  have dreamed of so often and so long are  dreams […]

Emmet Fox – Your Hearts Desire And The Golden Key || EP 443

Emmet Fox – Your Hearts Desire And The Golden Key Scientific Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, […]

Thoughts On Urantia || EP 442

The Urantia Book (sometimes called The Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual, philosophical, and religious book that originated in Chicago sometime between 1924 and 1955. The authorship remains a matter of speculation. It has received various degrees of interest ranging from praise to criticism for its religious and science content, its […]

Neville Goddard His Eternal Play || EP 441

Tonight’s subject is “His Eternal Play.” I call it a play because the end is predetermined, like a play. Paul speaks of it as a race, a game. He’s concentrating on the second act. He said, “I fought the good fight, I have finished the race. The time for my departure has come. Henceforth there […]

Ralph Waldo Trine – The Secret Power Of Love|| EP 440

This is the Spirit of Infinite Love. The moment we recognize ourselves as one with it we become so filled with love that we see only the good in all. And when we realize that we are all one with this Infinite Spirit, then we realize that in a sense we are all one with […]

Guided Meditation The Mana Force || EP 439

Based on the recent episode the miracle of Mana force power.  This meditation uses the breathing technique suggested by Madeleine C Morris. At Last – after 1,000 years of unbroken silence the incredible Miracle working secret” of Hawaii’s Kahuna Magicians is being revealed here today to my ever first student! The secret is known as […]