Dear friend and student: In this Lesson I am going to show you just a few of the things possible to YOU, and possible to YOU—NOW. The chances are many to one, that to date you have never even suspected that many of the good things of life might be yours. You found yourself […]
Category Archives: Meditation
Tonight’s subject is taken from Isaiah, the 26th chapter, just as a title because it’s really not on that chapter. The title is “Thy Dead Shall Live.” To understand this we have to go all through the Bible and take pieces from here and pieces from there and put them all together. So we turn […]
Dr. Julia Seton (Sears), the founder of the Church and School of the New Civilization, was an important figure in the development of the New Thought movement from the esoteric- metaphysical point of view, and exercised a considerable influence over Fenwicke and Ernest Holmes, founder of the Religious Science movement. Julia Seton was born in […]
The Cosmic Grid is an energy field (mesh-like) which surrounds Earth and the Upper Layers. It contains Universal energies, which if “tapped into”, can assist healing, knowledge and manifestation for the Highest Intent. The intention of this meditation is to awaken the charkras using mantras and mudras, to activate the Merkabah and then link to […]
As the first step in our discussion of evil, let us sensibly get rid of both the devil and hell. Make up your mind that the intelligence that exists behind the universe does not destroy itself! The pain-ridden idea of hellfire as a place of punishment for sin is man’s own morbid idea; evil is […]
Kyle Boyd is a good friend who is one of the founding members of the quantum healing collective. The QHC is an amazing group that holds group interviews and meditations with metaphysical and spiritual teachers from all over the world. I have had the honor of doing a group meditation with the QHC Kyle came […]
GAZE up into the sky at night and sense the infinite majesty of the Universe. Get mentally into touch with those patient stars that flash and twinkle like gems of purest water. Realize that they are suns, situated millions of miles away. Then think of our own little spot in the Universe — the Solar […]
Tonight’s subject is “It is Within.” As we are told, the kingdom of God is within you and the kingdom of God contains all; there is nothing outside of the kingdom. These words were addressed to us individually. You mean that you seated here, a small little person, within a room much bigger than yourself, […]
Some say that with the Precession of the Equinox on December 21, 2012, our planet ended a cycle of approximately 26,000 years and began anew of moving toward the light and bringing back the Divine Feminine. The returning Goddess energy is not to rule, but to restore balance and harmony. We will experience a rebirth […]