Neville Goddard The Pure In Heart March 1 1963 Tonight’s subject is “The Pure in Heart.” I think you are all familiar with it, the sixth beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). I dare say that it would be unwise to pick and choose among the beatitudes, […]
Category Archives: Meditation
You are experiencing a separate and distinct reality whether you remember it or not, and the things you encounter while there can have a very real influence on you. These things can be positive or negative, and the effects are potentially powerful. There is ample evidence to suggest that you are carrying on a totally […]
One of the best ways to create a perfect future is to change your past. The intention of this meditation is to let go of what is holding you back and imagining and creating your perfect future with a number of different thought experiments, you will visit your future self and create and incubate a […]
After several requests to add a music only episode of one of the mediations. THIS IS THE MUSIC ONLY VERSION. You can do this version after you do the guided meditation to go deeper on the thought experiments and visualizations here is the link to the guided meditation This is the wonderful music of […]
Quo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions. Here we find out information about the harvest, particularly post 2012 and what is and what to expect. This information is mindblowing. Here we discuss the concept of death and how to deal […]
Ken Coscia – International Training Director Ken Coscia, the International Training Director for all Silva Instructors, has facilitated transformation and coached over 200,000 people from all over the world in live training. Ken is committed to The Silva Method and the mission of enriching the planet by empowering the individual. He has been teaching the […]
Experience the life-changing power of Christian D. Larson with this unforgettable text. Concentration, written by Christian D. Larson was published in New York in 1920. Powerful short book with information that is still valuable nearly 100 years after it was first written. (108 pages) Bio: Christian D. Larson (1874 – 1962) was an American New […]
Dear friend and fellow-student: Here is Lesson five. It is one of the most intensely interesting Lessons you have ever read and I want you to read it many times over and then quietly lay it to one side and try and imagine some of the enormous truths this Lesson teaches. There are distances […]
The New Idea Against The Old Neville Goddard 3/31/67 I think you’ll find tonight very, very practical, also very spiritual. We’re all searching for the cause of the phenomena of life, everyone ___(??). It’s called in scripture the Father. Man will discover this after the entire story as given to us in the gospel is […]
Compiled from more than four hundred hours of channeling by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn imparts to us the wisdom of the Pleiadians, a group of enlightened beings who have come to Earth to help us discover how to reach a new stage of evolution. Master storytellers and humorists, they advise us to become […]