The intention of this meditation is to take you to heaven and to bring heaven back to earth. By imagining heaven in all things, by remembering heaven you you can invite these energies into the world. Here we do a full quantum jump and take you directly to heaven. It is always there for you […]
Category Archives: Interviews
Ra Of Earth is a teacher of humanology, all things fitness, movement, yoga, and ancient occult practices to optimize human technology for full spectrum living. Ra is the owner of Kriya of the Week, which offers a short daily practice for people to get into meditation and working with their energy. It is based on […]
The important experiences marking the student’s ascent into the higher worlds include his meeting with the Guardian of the Threshold. Strictly speaking, there are two Guardians: a lesser and a greater. The student meets the lesser Guardian when the threads connecting willing, feeling, and thinking within the finer astral and etheric bodies begin to loosen, […]
Money is the symbol of abundance. The flow of money into and out of men’s lives is probably, next to love, man’s greatest concern. This concern for money seems to have a strange effect: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. This has been recognized even as far back as the writing of […]
Dear friend and student: Here is your 15th Lesson. It takes you into a new experience of the God-Law and shows you something of your harmony and unity with it. This is not a Lesson to be hurriedly read and then cast aside. It is a Lesson which will disclose new spiritual truths every […]
Remembrance of Things Future 2/7/67 Neville Goddard The title is “Remembrance of Things Future.” I have so much to tell you within this hour it’s almost like a concentration. I should really have days to tell it there’s so much within this one thought, “remembrance of things future.” In the most controversial book in the […]
Q’uo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions. This information is mindblowing. Here we discuss a variety of topics, including the nature of thought forms and how to deal with psychic vampires Energy vampires are people who — sometimes intentionally […]
This meditation is dedicated to the amazing financial abundance affirmations created by Catherine Ponder. HEADPHONES SUGGESTED I use a binaural effect playing each affirmation separately in each ear allowing a deeper induction into your subconscious. This is very similar to the large sums of money meditation with all new powerful affirmation to completely change consciousness […]
If you seek a path to self-discovery and spiritual healing, “Brotherhood” will lead you in this divine direction. Simply written but profound in it’s essence, this beautifully written gift of prose is heaven sent to answer questions that many of us yearn to have answered – the meaning of life and our life purpose; how […]
Long have we talked and discussed the new earth. Yet it always seems to remain somewhere in the future. The intention of this episode and that the the time has come for the new earth NOW. NOW is the time to create the new earth. It is our duty to bring it about. It is […]