Julyet Berlen is a plant medicine advocate who wrote the amazing book The Modern Medicine which speaks about her spiritual journey and the way her life changed once she experience Yage/ ayahuasca. Her passion for health and wellness made her dive in deep into the unknown for the past 20 years. Her book is testament […]
Category Archives: Interviews
We work with very ancient beings called the Keepers of Time, who steer your universe. Can you imagine this? Just as you steer a car to stay on the road, the Keepers of Time steer the universe on a course. The Keepers of Time are the original instigators, the innovators of the Living Libraries. They […]
The Smile 2/2/65 Neville Goddard Tonight’s subject I would call “The Smile.” There’s a poem of Blake’s and in this poem he speaks of many smiles, and you and I have enjoyed or witnessed the smiles. There’s the smile of love, and there’s the smile of deceit, and there’s a smile where the two smiles […]
In the law of one material one of the most fascinating revelations is regarding the planet Maldek. Maldek, according to Ra and a number of aother sources was a planet in our solar system that destroyed itself and became the asteroid belt thereafter. The law of one was the first I had personally heard […]
This meditation was inspired by Marion Weinsteins teaching on words of power. This is a powerful all encompassing affirmation that when said repeatedly will change your life. Note I have designed this with a 15 minute induction in which we countdown from 100. This intended for those who struggle to concentrate and go into […]
In 1942 the New Thought pioneer and minister Emmet Fox electrified audiences with his unforgettable lecture, “The Mental Equivalent”. Fox explained how and why your mental images outpicture into your surrounding world. By charging your mind with clear and passionately felt imagery, he taught, you literally bring your inner visions to life. The key to […]
A lifelong seeker for meaning and purpose in this world, Chris is a certified Spiritual Practitioner, licensed through Centers for Spiritual Living and currently in his final year of training at the Holmes Institute and Spiritual School of Leadership. He enjoys speaking, coaching and consulting on growth, performance, meaning and purpose to individuals and organizations, […]
Is there anyone who hasn’t had a heartache? Is there anyone who hasn’t won something and lost it? Is there anyone who doesn’t feel lonely at times? Who doesn’t look out and wonder why someone else has a relationship they don’t, or how they got into the relationship they did? These are moments in which […]
Dear friend and student: This Lesson 19 is probably the one you have been looking for, for it opens up the entire Spiritual Realm and brings it down to where your reasoning mind can grasp it. No such Lesson as this has ever been written before by anyone, nor has this vast vista of […]
Neville Goddard His Own Credentials 4/3/64 Tonight’s subject is “His Own Credentials.” When anyone aspires to hold public confidence, they must begin with their own credentials, that is, they must speak from experience. Then it will be said of you what was said of the central figure of the gospels. They were astonished at his […]