Category Archives: Interviews

Deep Sleep Meditation – Ascending to Higher Dimensions – Delta 111hz 174hz 396hz 432hz 639hz 888hz || EP 161

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” The intention of this meditation is to allow you to ascend as a creator to a higher level of mind, body and consciousness. There is an 8 minute introduction. The meditation begins at 8:01 This meditation is designed to help revise your day, fall asleep to the wish […]

Understanding The Dual Mirror in Transurfing || EP 160

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=””></iframe> In this episode I do a deep dive on Chapter 18 of the book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland called The Mirror World. One of the most popular and interesting subjects in Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing and Tufti the Priestess is the mirror principle. According to Zeland, The […]

Neville Goddard the Art of Dying || EP 159

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” This episode we discuss another lecture by Neville Goddard called the Art of Dying Based on the title this is not what you think. In this is a profound lesson on shifting your state and letting go of the your past state. The art of letting go of […]

Neville Goddard The Pruning Shears of Revision || EP 158

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” Once again I dive into another one of Neville Goddard’s brilliant lectures. This one is called The Pruning Shears of Revision. This deals with the wonderful technique called revision which you revise you previous day as you go to bed. I believe when done regularly this helps you […]

Guided Meditation I AM Prosperous 111hz 777hz || EP 157

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” This is a simple meditation, with the the repetition of the phrase I am prosperous, repeatedly in both ears binaurally which induces deeper trance induction and thus enhancing the effectiveness. The music by Mettaverse as always will elevate you to a higher plane of prosperity consciousness. I read […]

Interview with Renee Garcia – “Queen of Transurfing and The Real Life English Tufti” || EP 156

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” Renee Garcia is an expert on Reality Transurfing. She has coached it and trained others how to use it and apply the principles in the real world. I have been trying to interview you her for a while and I was elated to finally get a chance to […]

Neville Goddard I Remember When || EP 155

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” This is an analysis and a retelling of another wonderful lecture by Neville Goddard called: I Remember When It is really very simple and explores the idea of using memory as a trick to create reality. By going into states and becoming someone who can use this technique […]

Guided Meditation – Isn’t It Wonderful? || EP 154

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” Can I ask you just one question ? Isn’t it wonderful? This meditation is based on a technique that Neville Goddard taught in one of his lectures. This is designed to get you into the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Goddard advises saying isn’t it wonderful or thank […]

Interview with Brian Larson of Mettaverse – Music, Metaphysics, Meditation, Wanderers, UFOs || EP 153

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=” If you listened to any other episodes of the reality revolution then you have heard the music of Mettaverse. The first time I tried to interview Brian I messed up and about 45 minutes did not get recorded. If you listened to any other episodes of the reality […]

Neville Goddard’s Changing the Feeling of “I” || EP 152

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=””></iframe> This is an exploration of Neville Goddard’s lecture called Changing the Feeling of “I” It is a powerful exploration using many of the traditional teachings for Neville. In particular this teaching is powerful for those who feel limited due to their environment, their culture or there race. This […]