Category Archives: Book Review

Quantum Surfing To The New Earth – Guided Group Meditation (Live With The QHC) || EP 697

Meditation starts at 5:10 I was so excited to take part in this global guided meditation.  We had a large number of people come together and do this meditation. I was blown away by the energy. We quantum surfed to the new earth. This is similar to the quantum surf meditation but done in a […]

Q’uo On The Harvest || EP 696

Quo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions.  Here we find out information about the harvest, particularly post 2012 and what is and what to expect. This information is mindblowing. BUY MY BOOK! Listen my book on audible This […]

Psychometry Divining Miracle Power For Inanimate Objects || EP 695

 Psychometry is a psychic ability in which a person can sense or “read” the history of an object by touching it. Such a person can receive impressions from an object by holding it in his/her hands or, alternatively, touching it to the forehead. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes and even […]

Anthony Norvell The 20 Golden Rules For Building Your Magical Power Circle || EP 694

The 20 Golden Rules For Building Your Magical Power Circle will do the following things for you: 1. You will be able to perform miracles in your own life, just as the Master Metaphysician Jesus, the Buddha, Confucius and other great philosophers and teachers have in the past. There are many different forms of miracles, […]

Dr Frank B Robinson Psychiana Lesson 4 The Living God || EP 693

 Dear friend and fellow-student: Now we come to Lesson number Four. It is an intensely interesting Lesson, and is of vital importance to you in your studies. It is one of the most important Lessons of them all, for the profound truths it contains are the most fundamental you have ever studied or dealt with. […]

Neville Goddard Keep The Sabbath || EP 692

Keep The Sabbath Neville Goddard 3/3/1967 You’ll find tonight a very practical night and yet profoundly spiritual. “And God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good. God rested on the seventh day from his work which he had made” (Gen.1:31;2:2). Now we are told this seventh day is the day […]

U.S. Andersen The Mystery Of The Mind || EP 691

How accustomed we are to regarding mind objectively! How conditioned we are to thinking of mind as brain, an isolated accumulation of gray protoplasm two inches behind our foreheads! We give our approval to scientific techniques which trace out brain convolutions and nerve networks and tell us of the storage compartments of memory, the cellular […]

Global Guided Meditation For Love And Light Meditation || EP 690

Meditation starts 1:10 ? This powerful meditation is designed to increase the light and love in your life and when done in groups it will massively increase the love and light around you and on the planet as a whole.  Collectively one of the most powerful thing we can do is to project and spread […]

Egregores And Pendulums || EP 689

After researching the concept of pendulums in reality transurfing I began to question whether they were conscious. In the process I began researching the concept of egregores in occult literature. What I found really expanded my understanding of this powerful concept.  On an energetic level a structure appears when a group of people think in […]

Interview with Kristin Johnston On Quantum Wellness And Expanding The Consciousness || EP 688

Kristin is one of the founding members of the Quantum Healing Collective and  is the owner of the Quantum Wellness Center.  We talked about literally everything you can think of.  Krisin is SO well read.  I learned so much. This is one of my favorite interviews ever. You can join the QHC facebook group here […]