Saint Germain is the central figure in a series of books published by the Saint Germain Press (the publishing arm of the Saint Germain Foundation). The first two volumes, Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, written by Guy Ballard as “Godfré Ray King”, describe Saint Germain as an Ascended Master, like Jesus, who is assisting […]
Category Archives: Analysis, Research, Discussion
GAZE up into the sky at night and sense the infinite majesty of the Universe. Get mentally into touch with those patient stars that flash and twinkle like gems of purest water. Realize that they are suns, situated millions of miles away. Then think of our own little spot in the Universe — the Solar […]
Tonight’s subject is “It is Within.” As we are told, the kingdom of God is within you and the kingdom of God contains all; there is nothing outside of the kingdom. These words were addressed to us individually. You mean that you seated here, a small little person, within a room much bigger than yourself, […]
Some say that with the Precession of the Equinox on December 21, 2012, our planet ended a cycle of approximately 26,000 years and began anew of moving toward the light and bringing back the Divine Feminine. The returning Goddess energy is not to rule, but to restore balance and harmony. We will experience a rebirth […]
Meditation starts at 5:13 As I have done further research I am coming to the conclusion that it is not really quantum jumping but quantum surfing. The quantum field is a like water and in order move through different realities you have to ride their waves. In modern physics, time-dependent supersymmetry has been employed to […]
Has that old witch—bad luck—ever camped on your doorstep? Have ill health, misfortune and worry ever seemed to dog your footsteps? If so, you will be interested in knowing that YOU were the procuring cause of all that trouble. For fear is merely creative thought in negative form. As Job put it in the long […]
Amish Patel is a great writer and comedian. I had a great time talking him, we talked about imagination, social media in the modern age, including my recent facebook experience. You can find Amish here The Drip: My Channel: IG handle: @fadetobrown BUY MY BOOK! Listen my book on audible All […]
“Intuition is the highest form of psychic ability.”~Edgar Cayce Intuition as a Channel of Guidance Intuition is information that comes to you from Universal Intelligence or God and in this respect it is referred to as a “channel.” It guides you on your path to your highest good. The Psychic Side of IntuitionIntuition never […]
While living in Portland, Oregon in the mid 1920’s, Frank Robinson had a “vision of the future” seeing himself at the head of a new religion, one based on I Corinthians 3:16: “Know ye not that your bodies are the temples of God–and that the Spirit of God liveth in you?” While working at the […]
Neville Goddard God’s Law April 9 1965 Tonight you’ll find it a very practical night and, at the same time, a spiritual night. We’ll call it “God’s Law.” Paul said, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, so shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7). Here we find the principle of […]