Author Archives: chiefexecutiveprime

Dr George W Carey – The Word || EP 1449

George W Carey was an American homeopath and occultist known for a number of 1910s ‘chemistry of life’ publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, particularly his 1919 The Chemistry of Human Life, all generally using a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry, themed particularly with a mineral-based theory of human […]

The Ancient Secrets To Developing Psychic Power || EP 1448

There are many grades of psychic energy. At first only the lowest grades, those nearest physical energy, can be acquired and employed. But as you work with energy and gain more, your psychic centers begin to develop. These transformers, for that is what they are, then begin with ever-increasing efficiency to seine in more and […]

Q’uo – Realizing Your Gifts || EP 1444

How can people who are interested in pursuing in a life’s work and being of service to others and developing their gifts discover what exactly the gifts are that they have, and then, if, say, they have more than one gift, how can people determine what the best way of service is, how to use […]

The Book of Psalms – New King James Version (NKJV) – Audio Bible || EP 1442

The book of Psalms is a collection of Israel’s sacred hymns, compiled and edited over a long period of time, most likely from the 10th century until the 2nd century B.C.   The use of the book of psalms, is very important in the lives of a Christian, any Christian who does not know how […]

Anthony Norvell Release Your Dynamic Energy To Create Prosperity || EP 1441

Desire is man’s prime driving force. Without this emotion man would still exist in a primitive state in caves and trees. Desire is the dynamic emotion that causes man to achieve greatness. The human mind and body function at high levels of energy when the desires are activated in the right direction. If you use […]

Conny Méndez – Seven Universal Principles || EP 1439

Conny Méndez was born in Caracas, Venezuela on April 11, 1898, the daughter of distinguished author and poet Don Eugenio Méndez y Mendoza and Doña Lastenia Guzmán de Méndez y Mendoza. She devoted many years of her life to the theatre, as producer, director and actress in productions benefiting the International Red Cross Society during […]

Your Ascension Is Now || EP 1436

This is a semi channeled piece inspired by my higher self to let you know that your ascension is now. We are shifting into a new dimension and now is your time to shine. Now is the time to move into 5d energy. The new earth is available to you. Lets introduce you to the […]

Power Shift || EP 1434

What image do you think of when you think of Power? What does power mean to you? We have all had situations in our families, school and work in which people carry power over us. But there is a greater power. How do we reconcile this power, how do we use it. It is time […]

Neville Goddard – All Dreams Proceed From God || EP 1432

The Bible recognizes one source of dreams: all dreams proceed from God. In the 33rd chapter of the Book of Job we are told that God speaks to man in two ways, but man does not perceive it. Then it states the two ways: “In a dream and a vision of the night, when deep […]

Q’uo – Focusing The Will || EP 1431

Q’uo is a gathering of high density beings who are channeled by ll research. For more on Q’uo check out Posted with approval of ll research. 🌎→The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channeling, meditations, advanced training and access to the new […]