Put yourself in the center of what Anthony Norvell called the cosmic diamond of creative energy
I am now the center of the cosmic diamond of life
The cosmic diamond carries the 7 creative astral rays and here Anthony Norvell explains how to use their power in the cosmic lecture
ANTHONY NORVELL (1908–1990) was a popular writer and lecturer on occult and esoteric topics, particularly the uses of visualization to bend reality to the individual’s personal will. He had a gift for making arcane ideas into workable, practical, and accessible methods. For many years, he lectured weekly at New York’s Carnegie Hall. The Million Dollar Secret Hidden in Your Mind, originally published in 1963, was among his most popular works.
The video contained was used with permission by Julius Horsthuis
Julius is an amazing artist check out his website http://www.julius-horsthuis.com/
You can see his youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPYiwZRSN8w5ZodY4MvflJQ
On twitter https://twitter.com/JuliusHorsthuis
On vimeo https://vimeo.com/juliushorsthuis
On instagram https://www.instagram.com/julius.horsthuis/
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Music By Mettaverse
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