A Transurfing Guide To Avoiding The Mirror Makers || EP 148

In the book Reality Transurfing talks about the concept of the mirror makers.

Zeland States

Everyone is capable of managing their own fate but only under the condition that they take the wheel in their own hands. It all depends what position you take, active or passive.

You can live as each day comes, reading the horoscopes and accepting your fate as if it was granted from above.

On the other hand if you can really get down to business with all the diligence of foolish and end up creating such a fate that heaven forbid should be bestowed upon you!

Therefore, by active position we take to mean the ability not to splash your hands about in the water or row against the current and the intention to control your thoughts in accordance with the mirror principles.

This position gives you genuine power over your fate at which point the services of a seer become irrelevant.

I am not saying that all predictions are false.

Individual predictions are indeed often confirmed.

The point however, is that these services are only needed by people who decide to choose life as subconscious dreaming, and these will always be the overwhelming majority.

Yet if you intend to transform your life into lucid dreaming that you can control then you will undoubtedly no longer require the services of mirror makers. And who are the astrologists, hierophants and prophesiers if not mirror makers?

The predictions they give you are not just a harmless prognosis but a surrogate part of your own fate, a small part of the mirror in which you will have to look. How could it be any different? It makes no difference whether you take the prediction seriously or not.

Once you have heard it, the image will continue to occupy a place in your subconscious programming your fate.

Even if you place the issue of money to one side did you really think that you could have a piece of your future just like that?

There are consequences for taking a peek at the Book of Fate.

The payment for these goods is always the same.

You must take them with you and make them a part of your life, whether you want to or not.

Such a payment could prove fatal.

The blame or shall we say, responsibility lies not with those who sell fate as a product but with those who make the purchase.

When you show interest in a prediction you acquire a mirror and you ask the mirror maker whether it would be ok for you so smile in it that day.

I discuss this concept in this episode.

I used 3 songs by Mettaverse on this and it is truly epic. Look for the playlist below.

Check out Mettaverse on Youtube the music is incredible.

You can listen to it here:

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Music by Mettaverse

Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz

777hz deep relaxation

Tibetan singing bowls rain and thunder 432 hz

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Welcome to the reality revolution and I’m your host, Brian Scott. Today’s episode will be dedicated to the trans surfing concept of the mirror makers and how to avoid the mirror makers who are the mirror makers. You say, well lately if you’re like me, you’ve been noticing a lot of people that are really getting into their horoscopes or prophecies. Oh no, Mercury’s in retrograde. I just was talking with somebody that went through a list of everybody they knew and what their different horror scope was. I have very close friends that post up all the time on Facebook that have charts for different horoscopes and they live their entire lives around this information. Do you live your life around your horoscope? Do you notice when Mercury’s in retrograde? I’ve always believed on some level that that there is some retro causality occurring with different things that predict the future, that like horoscopes and that kind of thing. The reason is when you think that Matt Mercury’s in retrograde, you start to look for problems and you almost expect them to happen and this is discussed in the book reality, trans surfing by Vadim Zealand. If this is the first time you’ve ever heard my podcast reality, trans surfing is a book written by the DMZ land, a a physicist who created a synthesis of knowledge on how to create and choose your own reality. It’s great book. I have lots of episodes. You should definitely check it out in the, I believe it’s chapter 19 one of the last chapters or chapter 18 in the, in the mirror world chapter, there is a section called the league of mere makers and so Vadim Zealand addresses the question of how we and how should we treat horoscopes or prophecies or any of that information. This is coming from a chapter on the mirror world and I definitely recommend you check out my episode on the mirror world or the the mirror principle in two-fifty and trans surfing. It’s very popular principle that is discussed in both books. The idea is you will see what is reflected when you, when you put your hand up, when you look at a mirror and you put your hand up, you’ll see your hand go up. We live in sort of a delayed mirror. And so your thoughts get reflected back to you. You have events that are constantly being reflected back to you. This is also discussed in, in physics and in a, in a recent interview I had with Jude caravan, she discussed the holographic principle. And part of that means that we live in a, in a mirror. There’s a principle of reflection that occurs. So what happens when there are mirror makers, people that are creating the reflection or things that make you create a reflection. So there’s a, there’s an important understanding. A lot of people out there I know live their lives around these certain tenants, which can be good. I’m not saying that they’re not accurate, but, but in the process of doing that, you lose control over your life because you control your life. It doesn’t matter if Scorpio or if you’re a Scorpio or if Pluto’s in retrograde or Mercury’s in retrograde or if S if Saturn is in transit or whatever that stuff means. Even if there is some sort of effect, you still have control over it. So I wanted to to to go over this section and maybe that would help you to understand why it’s not as important as you think it is and it is more important of how you imprint your mind and how you treat this sort of information. Zealand says it would seem that the question of fate in the context of trans surfing is covered. People have free choice of their future by virtue of the existence of the alternative space or the space of variations which can be controlled by applying the principles of the dual mirror. Nonetheless, it is worth elucidating on the theme. A little more opinions differ. Some people think that fate lies in the hands of its owner. Others believe that fate is predetermined, yet others go even further and view fate as a personal lot. We are doomed to delivered from above and determined according to our deeds in past lives. So which point of view is closest to the truth? Doesn’t that bother you when people say, Oh, I’m just suffering from karma from a past life, what? What kind of punishment would you put on yourself if you’re being punished for something that you don’t know that you did and maybe there’s some sort of truth to it, but maybe, maybe now we can stop this cycle. Okay. By just simply stopping the belief in it. Okay. What is the closest to the truth is the question, what is the closer to the truth? Is our fate? Does it lie in our hands or is it determined from above or a past life? Or is it determined by where the planets were when we were born? Well, according to trans surfing, they all are. All these views are correct and equally well-founded. [inaudible] could it really be any other way? In a world which represents a mirror, everyone that stands in front of the mirror receives confirmation of the image in their thoughts. There is no point in asking the mirror whether the reflection of your face is destined to be happy or sad. On the other hand, the mirror reflects what is, and on the other hand, I will become however I wish to see myself. Therefore, the issue of fate is a question of choice. To choose a predestined fate or to prefer your fate to be free. It is all a matter of conviction. Whatever you choose is what you receive. It’s what you will receive. So whatever beliefs that you throw towards the mirror, you’ll see reflected back to you. So if you put a belief that when Mercury’s in retrograde, your phone will stop working, that will be reflected back to you. And then you’re suddenly saying, well, Jarett’s right mercury in retrograde. It’s every single time. [inaudible] do you understand the problem in this? If a person is convinced that their fate is predetermined and that there is no escaping it, then indeed a forgone scenario will indeed be realized. Take responsibility for your deepest beliefs in the alternative space. [inaudible] there were undoubtedly exists a separate stream along which the light little boat of life will travel if you set it a drift to the will of the waves, the one so doomed gives in to infantile wallowing and reverently raised their head to face the skies from where? Arrows of misfortune rain upon them like cones fall from a pine. Oh, power of Providence. Oh right hand of fate. In reality, it is not so much written in the stars as stamped on their forehead that they are a fool simply caught up in a subconscious and pointless dream to which they have themselves. When a person takes hold of the rains, their life ceases to be dependent on circumstances. The little boat can be taken in any direction away from the allegedly predetermined fate. Okay? It is all very simple. Life is like a river. If you take the paddles and a row, you can choose your direction, but if you simply give yourself to the current, you will be forced to drift within the stream you find yourself carried by. If karma is what you want, karma is what you will get. Believing that your lot in life hangs on inexhaustible circumstances or the mistakes committed in a past life. This is the alternative. You stream into reality. It is your will for you are the son of God, and yet if you desire to become the maker, then this is also within your power. The dual mirror will agree to anything. It all comes down to whether you know how to work with it. This all makes good sense. Within the context of the trans surfing model, the only unsolved mystery concerns the alternative space who placed all that it contains into the alternative space. Where does the alternative space come from and why and what existed prior to the alternative space? To be honest, Zealand says, I don’t know. I can merely put forth the following hypothesis. No one created the alternative space. It has always existed. It is the nature of the human mind to assume that everything in this world was created by someone or some thing and has a beginning and an end and yet it would appear. That is not true of everything. I am afraid that even if human awareness was raised enough to surpass that of an oyster, it still would not be sufficient to philosophize on such matters. There are things in this world that lay far beyond the capacity of the mind for the mind, despite being capable of abstract thought is really just an apparatus of logic. The level of my abstract field thinking allows me to only to construct a perimitive mathematical model. If you were to take a person’s conventional level of awareness to the level of infinity by which the level of awareness but represents a dot. The question we have posed would be reduced to the following. Why is it that I adopt, can occupy any position at all on the coordinates plane who created the coordinated grid? What is it for and who existed before the coordinates grid? It is all quite incomprehensible and if you were then to tell the little dot that aside from the second dimension there is also a third dimension and an N dimension space, you would quite simply blow its mind. It is easier to believe that fate is preordained by a higher power and that it can be calculated or foretold then to believe in the existence of some [inaudible] alternative space that contains absolutely everything. Either way, no one likes to live with uncertainty and so people try to get some kind of hint about the future. Turning to astrologists fortune tellers and hire a fonts. This is also a question of choice. What is my intention to know what to expect or to co-create what I want. If you choose a passive position, then of course all you can do is turn to another who has the audacity to claim that they can read the book of destinies. Yet it is that even possible. Is anyone really capable of foretelling or calculating the future? Undoubtedly they are. Moreover, this is possible due to the existence of the alternative space. Where else can clairvoyance source fragments of our past and future? So the idea is we can see the future in the alternative space, but we can only see one future. So there may be other futures in the alternative space. So if the clairvoyant sees a future and is correct, then what they have seen is the lifeline that you’re on corresponding to that alternative space. But obviously anything can change and nothing is set in stone. According to the trend surfing model, there are multiple different futures. All of those are set. It just depends on which one that you choose. So if you’re there thinking, Oh, I’ve got bad karma from my past life and this is why I’m having all this stuff happen. Or if you’ve had a fortune teller tell you something, take the information, there may be some truth to it that it’s an aspect of alternative space. No, but it’s not everything [inaudible]. There is no doubt that events cannot develop randomly. The sectors of the space of variations are linked in chains of cause and effect lifelines, which are subject to given laws. How can these laws be evaluated evidently by certain external phenomenon such as the position of the heavenly bodies. Okay. Dreams, a card layout and even coffee grounds. There is no such thing as a coincidence. The notion of coincidence is merely a special way of perceiving an effect and the absence of detailed information relating to the cause. So if you do the eating or look at coffee grounds and you think that you know your future, it may be one future. I have a good friend that has very, very realistic, powerful dreams and often they are true, but oftentimes they’re not. And sometimes we ignore the ones that are not and we focus on the ones that are true because we can only see one aspect of this space of variations. If you don’t understand the space of variations. Check out my recent episodes where I talk about understanding the space of variations. There is a grid of information all around us that carries infinite probability within it is the concept is the best way for me to explain. Yet, once again, it is by the very virtue of the existence of the space of variations that this archive of film on the past and the future that prognoses are often far from accurate. Now we hear about the archive of film into 50 the priestess, so we can see the beginnings of this concept of the film roll and the archive and the Aternity archive for this is the beginnings of where we get the idea of the Aternity archive. There are an infinite number of alternatives and so there is no guarantee that the film real taken from the shelf that is destined to end up in the projector. Any prognosis can only ever rest on a portion of probability. One of the most accurate was the Bulgarian clairvoyant of Anjelah Dimitrova known throughout the world as Vanga losing her sight in her early years, Vanga acquired the gift of seeing the alternative space. Yet even with her unique abilities, the number of accurate hits relating okay to the past as well as the future varied in the range of 70 to 80% prophecies can also be distorted by the perception of the individual psychic and their subsequent interpretations. The centuries by Nostradamus is to this day given wildly different interpretations. People try to see in prognoses things that are not really there and the opposite. They fail to notice the obvious when Vanga told that Kursk would sink, no one could understand what was meant for Kursk is a located a long way from the ocean. Yet when the submarine of the same name sank, those who knew of the prosperity must have come out in goose pimples. So if we can only talk about the chances of of a psychic seeing the right sector in the alternative space in terms of probability, then how do we explain the fact that the level of accuracy turns out to be relatively high [inaudible] this has to do with the fact that once a prediction has been imprinted into a person’s memory, whether they desired or not, that prediction becomes their intention. So predictions from from psychics and horoscopes become your intention and you don’t want to let that happen and individual’s relationship to various interpretations and horoscopes is a very personal thing as it is made up of a balance between belief and mistrust. I agree that it can be used for spiritual learning and there are archetypes within the horse scopic system that are real to the human psyche. On the one hand, people are not generally inclined to rely wholly on such things and on the other hand, somewhere in the depths of their subconscious. There’s a thought that asks what if importance in one’s attitude towards predictions is minimal as we tend to think that it may come true or it may not. It is like a game that is played simultaneously for fun and in all seriousness. As a result, a kind of underlying unity of heart and mind emerges providing the conditions for a sharp if image to be created, which the mirror of the world reflectively and willingly transforms into reality unbeknown to themselves. The individual also begins to manifest what they have been foretold, which explains why the level of probability in such cases is higher than average. Vanga biography creates the impression that she intentionally programmed her future fate early on in her childhood. Her favorite pastime was to heal her neighbors, children, her patients. She was good at telling various imagined stories which are audience listened to as if under a spell. Aside from that, Vanga used to enjoy other, another curious little game. She would hide something in an obscure place and then begin to search for it blindfolded, feeling her way towards it. As you can see, the pictures of the images she created were so precise that the mirror of the world recreated them in physical reality. She became blind. Vanga became a healer and clairvoyant after she lost her ordinary power of sight in an accident when she was just 12 years old, she was carried away in a hurricane and found later in a field covered in sand. It should be noted that Vango was convinced that you would not escape your own fate and that no effort could change what was preordained when she received visions of accidents that were going to take place in the future. She tried to avert the tragedy, but she was never successful in doing so. There were times when Vanga knowing that death awaited someone tried to persuade them not to set out on their journey or to leave a certain place, but it didn’t help. People did not believe her. This would seem to contradict the model of trans surfing. Might fate be predetermined after all? In actual fact, there is no true contradiction here. No one person is capable of influencing life of another with their own intentions. People are endowed with the power to create the layer only in their own world. Even when from the outside it seems as if an influential politician has the fate of whole nations at their disposal. In reality, they’re merely carrying out the will of the structure that created them. Everyone is capable of managing their own fate, but only under the condition that they take the wheel in their own hands. It all depends what position you take, active or passive. You can live as each day comes reading the horoscopes and accepting your fate as if it was granted from above. On the other hand, if you can re really get down to business with all the diligence of foolish and end up creating such a faith that heaven forbid should be bestowed upon you. Therefore, by active position we take to mean the ability not to splash your hands about in the water or row against the current and the intention to control your thoughts in accordance with the mirror principles. This position gives you genuine power over your fate, at which point the services of a CIHR become irrelevant. Zealand’s not saying that all predictions are false. Individual predictions are indeed often confirmed. The point, however, is that these services are only needed by people who decide to choose life as a subconscious dreaming and these will always be the overwhelming majority. Yet if you intend to transform your life into lucid dreaming that you can control, then you will undoubtedly no longer require the services of mirror makers. And when he says mirror makers, he’s talking about the people that create your horoscope or the psychics or whatever is trying to tell you about your future and who are the astrologists hire a fence and prophecy. Yours if not mirror makers, that predictions that give you that they give you are not just a harmless prognosis but as surrogate part of your own fate, a small part of the mirror in which you will have to look. How could it be any different? It makes no difference whether you take the prediction seriously or not. Once you’ve heard it, the image will continue to occupy a place in your subconscious programming your fate. Even if you place the issue of money to one side, did you really think that you could have a piece of your future just like that? There are consequences for taking a peak at the book of fate. The payment for these goods is always the same. You must take them with you and make them a part of your life whether you want to or not. So what he’s saying is if you get that prediction from that horoscope from the eat Ching or from whatever it is, you’re locked in just having the prediction. Even if you don’t believe such a payment could prove fatal, the blame, or shall we say responsibility lies not with those who sell fate as a product, but with those who make the purchase. When you show interest in a prediction, you acquire a mirror and you ask the mirror maker whether it would be okay for you. So smile it in it that day. You already have a mirror, the layer of your world from which you can create anything at all in relation to my own mirror. I’m free if I wish I can with the will of the maker turn any defeat into victory. And that is how it will be. And I could not care less about psychic predictions. If however, you have no desire to become the maker of your own reality, you can successfully make use of the services of the mirror makers. This also represents a choice and is one way of living or rather a safe way of moving along the stream of fate. Predictions can serve as signs that give warnings of possible unfortunate events and they can instill you with hope of success. In this sense, the mirror makers fill a helpful role, although perhaps not all of them. The most harmful among them are those who foretell events of a global scale. By predicting forthcoming catastrophe and the end of the world, they attune large groups of people to destructive thinking or in other words, they program the collective consciousness. This will inevitably leave it smart. This makes me think while I’m reading this about religions and prophecies that are foretold of apocalypse, how can we break our selves from these prophecies? You can see different sex of different religions working to create these prophecies. What is interesting is that scientists are also part of the league of mirror makers. All they do, they do not necessarily have a direct impact on the fate of others. Over the course of human history, scientists have worked on the one task of trying to explain how the world works. Once the earth was flat and rested on the hump of three whales, an elephant and a turtle or something like that. In former, the stars rotated around the earth. Many centuries have passed since then and some things have become clear, but the process of trying to find a model that fits continues as before classical physics has been replaced by quantum physics. Objects of the micro world were first declared particles and then turned out to be waves who had no objection to being particles from time to time. Then came another theory telling us that these obscure objects are neither waves nor particles, but strings in 10th dimensional space time. The world stands in the fitting room and agrees with this model too. Even then, something did not quite fit. Something was not quite right. Scientists were forced to add one more dimension, the 11th dimension as a result of which the supernova M theory is born according to which the string is transformed into a membrane. It is amusing, is it not? What will they think of next? No doubt this process will continue for infinity. Okay? Ever new models will be found to replace the previous ones. If you stand in front of one mirror and hold a second mirror in your hand, you will understand why the world has an infinite number of models in the mirror in front of you. You see yourself holding a mirror in which there is a reflection of you and a mirror holding a mirror in which you see. Perhaps there is no answer to the question of how the world works within the context of the human mind. If one were to climb to the top of the most abstract peak in our range of definitions, we would see that the world does not actually look like anything. It is simply a mirror of our ideas. Okay? We get what we think about the world. The most we can confirm with any confidence is that reality is multifaceted and then state a few of its laws. The process of scientific research into how the world works is similar to the example of the mirrors given above. When you take one natural phenomenon as a starting point, you get a specific version of a model which is like having one section of the mirror standing with that section in front of the main mirror. You see a new aspect of the reality reflected. If you take one of the manifestations of that aspect, we once again get another version of reality and again out of yet another tiny mirror, a new one will appear. Having been reflected in the image of the mirror before that. So what is the world really like? You can try and imagine what the world is really like. Using the example of two identical mirrors placed opposite each other. Each mirror reflects the mirror that is placed in front of it. Both mirrors give the reflection of nothing reflected. An infinite number of times. It is a black infinity of images in which nothing is reflected from nothing. Does this picture fit any description provided by the concepts? The mind has its had its disposal hardly to conclude, it should be understood that the pendulums of the mirror makers have no concern for your fate. They follow their own interest, which is to receive a constant source of energy from their clients. People would like to know every day what tomorrow has in store for them and so they constantly turn to the well-informed, making a contribution with their energy and in exchange receiving a surrogate, a piece of fabricated fate. If a person’s attention has been caught in a pendulum’s news that is trading in fate, then they will not feel confident until they have read the next horoscope or had their next dream interpreted. They become addicted as if to drugs. They have to keep getting their dose to support their losery confidence and tomorrow was the pendulum sway and blossom. Trans surfing does not require the same source of energy supply. Learn about the principles and then do whatever you want with them. Knowledge in itself is not a pendulum. A pendulum is only created when the corresponding structure emerges. Neither does trans surfing. Explain how the world works. It simply offers a utilitarian model which enables you to understand why it is possible that reality can be controlled and how it is the same as being perfectly capable of driving a car without having the slightest idea of how the engine was put together. Trans surfing’s mission lies in issuing the drivers the driving license. The mirror makers tried to convince the dot that it must move along a strictly defined line in the graph then that any other form of movement just is not meant to be. This will in fact be true, but only if the dot accepts these conditions. Reality exists independently of you. Whilst you agree to this condition, you can never change the entire world, but the individual layer of your world is fully at your disposal. You do not have to change yourself. It is enough simply to exercise your right as the maker. Now you have a dual mirror, a bit like a genie that makes you wishes come true except that it is not a fairy tale anymore. It is an aspect of reality that had perhaps remained hidden from you until now. Under the cover of routine. Unlike the genie in the fairy tale, you cannot command the mirror genie. There’s no point and making appeals to the mere genie or seeking his compassion. Yet as soon as you declare your intention, the magic mirror will willingly comply. Okay? Okay, my dear. You are the true maker of your fate if you intend to be. So do not give away your fate to the mirror makers. [inaudible] and so this is another way to look at this information. I see a lot of people doing readings, doing horror scopic readings, and that’s fine if that’s something that you get joy from, but just remember that whatever prediction, if it says right now you need you, you should be alone before you have a relationship or right now your relationship will be coming in a year or so, then you’re going to have that. These predictions are so powerful according to this that you should enter into that information carefully. [inaudible] so if you’re out there and you’re depending on this information to make decisions in your life, it’s time to stop, okay? You need to make your intention, whatever your intention and make it so it will happen. Don’t assume on predictions. Don’t listen to somebody prophesying or giving you readings about your future. It is your choice. Simply make your intention and it will be so [inaudible]. Thank you so much for joining me on another excursion into the trend surfing wilderness. Definitely a more episodes of trans surfing coming up soon. We’re going to look at the intention, energy, the energy of intention very soon. I hope you’re doing well and if there’s anything I can do to help you, if you need coaching, go to my website@advancedsuccessinstitutedotcomallepisodesoftherealityrevolutioncanbefoundattherealityrevolution.com it’s always a joy and pleasure and welco