A Message From The Trees My Journey To The New Earth || EP 725

Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Mount Shasta and the mighty redwoods.  As I began my journey I had become aware of the unique and vibrant history of these unique and powerful locations.  I wanted to feel and actually see the new earth.  I made this my goal and meditated upon it.  As I drew nearer to this powerful vortex I could feel its energies awaken within me.

This episode I tell my story of visiting Mount Shasta and speaking to the trees.  I bring back their message and my story of what felt like to experience the new earth now in the present moment.

Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule


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Music By Mettaverse

deep relaxation

a new beginning

the primordial sound of om

love the universal constant




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