Dr. Joseph Murphy – Banish The Feeling Of Guilt

The wicked are the bewitched and means anyone who thinks negatively and destructively. Life holds no grudge against any living being in the world. God is Life, and this Life-Principle is moving in you now animating, sustaining, and strengthening you. If you are wondering where God is, the Life-Principle in you is God. You are alive with the life of God. Life is forever forgiving us. We must let the scales of superstition fall from our eyes and become aware of simple truths which were always known.

Truth has been distorted, twisted, and prostituted beyond recognition. This is why guilt is universal. In all ages people have been told to banish this sense of guilt, and they employed various ceremonies and rituals for this purpose. In olden days they sacrificed their bullocks and doves to propitiate the gods of wrath. When storms came, crops ruined, or a great drought prevailed, the people believed the gods were angry. The jungle priest had to give the people an answer. If he did not give the people an explanation, they killed him. Therefore, the jungle priests gave answers which satisfied the superstitious imaginings of these people.

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