Dr. Joseph Murphy – How To Know The Mysterious Powers Of Your Mind

Your subconscious mind is the seat of memory, emotions and intuition. It is the seat of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, and telepathy. In your subconscious you will find infinite intelligence and boundless wisdom and all the riches of the Infinite waiting for you to tap.

In a passive, psychic state it is possible for a good sensitive to read your thoughts, even to the minutest detail; he (or she) may even read a sealed letter in your pocket which you have not yet read yourself.

Many have developed the clairvoyant powers of their subconscious to the extent that they have the ability to see events happening at a distance and independent of their five senses.

Your subconscious is sometimes referred to as the soul. A very important thing to remember is that your subconscious mind is constantly amenable to suggestion.

For example, if you are placed in a hypnotic state, your subconscious mind will accept without hesitation every suggestion made by the operator, no matter how absurd or incongruous it may seem to your conscious mind.

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