Sal Rachele – The Founders The Universe Is An Experiment

Here, I read a channeling from the amazing Sal Rachele where he channels the Founders and discusses the creation of the universe and way it was created as an experiment.

“Hello, we are the Founders. Let us begin by introducing ourselves. We are what you call Creator Gods. Only a small percentage of our energy is coming through this channel. It is difficult for us to project more than a tiny part of ourselves into your world. We prefer to do it in the method known as telepathic transmission.

Even with this method, most of our energy that does reach you is “downloaded” into the higher minds of our various channels. A real time experience of us is very difficult for you to process. Nevertheless, we are coming through at a frequency very close to real time because we have important messages for humanity. We only come here in this format near the beginning and ending of each major cosmic cycle on Earth. You could say we revisit our experiments to see how they are going.

this particular local universe that we oversee along with other groups of Creator Gods, is more of an experiment than anything else. We shall say that the Godhead is the supervisor of the experiment, much as a university employs an oversight committee to supervise a chemist developing and researching things in a laboratory.”

You can find this from Sal’s amazing book: Earth Changes and Beyond: Messages from the Founder. You can get a copy here

You can find more about Sal Rachele here

Sal Rachele is a pioneer in the human potential field. In the mid-1970s, he became interested in developing his psychic and intuitive abilities and took Silva Mind Control training. Sal later developed his own unique method called Alpha-Theta Programming, which is designed to reprogram the subconscious mind and unlock the creative potential within. Sal became involved in Leonard Orr’s Rebirthing and Jim Leonard’s Integrative Rebirthing, a yoga of breath and conscious purification.

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